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Innocence Taken Page 14

  The girl had not moved. Her eyes remained void. A hand rested on the blanket, placed there by one of the staff when they repositioned her. Nature stared at it. She dreaded what would follow with her touch. Taking in a deep breath to steel herself, she removed her glove and cupped the cold lifeless hand.

  At first, she felt the girl's love for her family. She saw them in Texas. She saw them on camping trips. She saw Patricia smile. The scenes moved from the family to the boyfriend. She and Randy wanted to marry. They would have, but the move slowed things down. They were planning to elope when she turned 18. Nature smiled.

  Web watched the expressions roll across Natures face. He saw her smile. She was unaware of anything in the room. He glanced at Franklin. The detective leaned a shoulder against the wall. He watched the seated woman, his gaze intent. It was hard enough to watch a session. It was that much worse for those doing so for the first time. He felt sorry for Franklin.. Web heard a sudden intake of breath. Franklin straightened. He started for the bed. Web held up a hand.

  "Not yet. Wait."

  Franklin stayed where he was. Web had to give the man credit. He knew how to listen. He knew how to wait; it was a part of the job. Web returned his gaze to Nature.

  Nature saw how the man had lured the girl into the van. She saw the girl go unconscious when her head hit the drum. The next vision she saw was the girl naked, her extremities restrained, hanging apart for easy access. She saw the curtain separate and the man appear. He remained shrouded. Nature grew frustrated at the lack of sight for the one causing so much pain.

  Nature's body flopped back in the chair. Her hand held onto the girls like a vise grip. Her legs separated, her mouth hung open. She started to gag. Web waited. It wasn't time to intervene yet. When it was, he'd know.

  Nature felt the man's penis go down her throat. She felt his joy when she gagged. Patricia was not there any more. She was the one in the restraints, not the girl. She felt the metal rod as it was shoved in. She felt all parts of her body violated. She wished it would stop but knew it wouldn't. The man was too enthralled in the pleasure he felt. She tried to scream. The penis reached deep into her throat, preventing it. She tried to buck him off. He laid his full weight on top of her.. Finally, she felt him ejaculate inside her mouth. He pulled out. She tossed her head back and screamed as loud as possible.

  Web jumped to her side when the screaming started. Franklin started toward them. He stopped when the door to the room opened. The officer from the hallway was there, hand gripping the handle of his weapon. The sound of running feet echoed down the hall.

  "Shut that door mister! NOW!"

  The officer grabbed the handle and yanked it shut just as a couple of staff members came into view, craning their necks, trying to see inside. Franklin turned back to the bed. The screaming had stopped.

  Web hugged Nature against his body. He had pried her fingers off the girls hand and now held it tight. He rocked her back and forth like a baby. She was crying.

  "Oh my god ... oh my god ... oh my god,” Nature repeated over and over.

  "Shhh, it's okay. You're safe now. I've got you. He can't hurt you any more."

  "It took several minutes before Web's words sank in. When she realized she was in the hospital room, and not the van, she threw her arms around his neck.

  "It was so awful. He did horrible things.” Her words were wracked with sobs.

  "You're safe now. I'll protect you."

  Nature felt the strong emotion coming from Web. She felt safe. She felt certain the man would not get her. She relaxed.

  Web felt the tension leave her body. He felt when she fell asleep a little while later.. Gently, he lifted her up in his arms. “Where can I lay her down?"

  "Back in the room we were in. I'll clear the way first.” Franklin ducked out the door. A moment later, he peered in. “Come on."

  Web carried Nature to the adjacent room and laid her on the bed. He pulled the covers up over her. He sat next to her, assuming his watchful post again. He wasn't going anywhere. He was going to protect her as he said he would.

  "What do we do now?” Franklin asked.

  "The only thing we can do. We wait."

  * * * *

  The man crossed the state line just after dark. He had not stopped since he found the needed information about The One. He was so wrapped up in getting to her house that he almost forgot about what he was driving, and through which city he had to pass. He thanked the state of Georgia for putting up a sign to show how far it was to Atlanta. It reminded him. He decided it was time for a change. Before then, he would get one last bit of pleasure from the woman in the trunk.

  He left Interstate 75 and went toward a town called Clyattville. It was only a short distance from the highway. When he found another vehicle, he could be on his way within minutes. He pulled into a rural wooded area and parked. He turned everything off. He got out and walked around to the trunk. He inserted the key and opened it.

  The woman stared at him with wide eyes. They were red rimmed from crying. He smiled at her. She cringed. He reached in and grabbed a handful of hair, dragging her out of the trunk. She had a hard time due to the restraints holding her wrists together, causing her limbs to become numb with reduced circulation.. A whimper escaped from her taped mouth. The man slapped her bare ass to remind her of the need for silence. She quieted.

  He guided her deeper into the trees until he found one with a smaller base. He untied one wrist and used the rope to pull it around the trunk while holding onto the other.. When her hands met, he retied the rope. The woman was forced to hunch over and hug it like a lover. The sight of her, with her dark brown hair, touched with a bit of gray, reminded him of Nature. He felt his pants tighten. He unzipped them and stepped up behind her.

  With unleashed passion, he lifted her hips and inserted his penis into her anus. She arched her back in pain. He pumped as hard as he could. He held nothing back.

  Visions of Nature rolled past his closed eyes. He imagined her silent expressions of joy at him taking her. He imagined her meeting his pushes with her own. He felt his heart race with untold pleasure. He felt his breath shorten with the effort of matching her love. The woman finally cried out, bringing the man back to his present surroundings.

  He lay over her back and wrapped his hands around her throat, squeezing tighter with every push. The woman started to buck. She tried to twist her body away from him. She fought like a rodeo bull trying to throw him off. He gripped her throat harder and pumped her like a sex deprived teenage boy. He felt his groin heat up with energy. This was the best ride he had had in a while. He savored every movement the woman made. He ejaculated at the same time she became unconscious.

  The man continued to squeeze her throat while his penis rippled like waves rolling across a lake during a light breeze. He released her and spread his arms wide when her breath left her forever. He smiled like a Cheshire cat, his penis still deep inside, savoring the rush of pleasure flowing through him. He pulled free as it ebbed. The woman's body hung from the tree, her head rolled to one side, her eyes wide with pain and sorrow. He pulled his pants up and returned to the car.. He started it, pulled it into drive, and returned to the road.

  A few miles out of town, he saw a pickup with a camper shell covering the bed parked in a dirt driveway. It was in front of an old farmhouse. He pulled the Ford into another driveway a short distance away. It led to an abandoned house. He walked back to the truck. The keys were in the ignition. He got in and eased the door shut.

  Because it was only nine thirty at night, lights should have been on in the house. They were not. Maybe an older couple lived here. Maybe they would not notice the vehicle missing until morning. If he were truly to meet The One, it would happen. By then, he would be well on his way.

  The truck was a newer one. The man hoped the engine was quiet when he started it. He smiled with relief after he turned the key. He backed onto the road and returned to I-75. In just over an hour, he had experienced a great ride
in a tight ass, changed vehicles, and was back on track for reaching the one he sought. The eternal happiness that had eluded him for so long was finally within his grasp.

  On the road he just vacated, a sheriff's vehicle drove past the Ford, making its nightly patrol of the area. The brake lights came on. White lights replaced them as it backed up. A spotlight lit the area around the abandoned car once it stopped again.. The sound of a door opening and shutting echoed across the open field. The sound of boots crunching on gravel followed. That same sound, this time faster, returned as the deputy ran back to his car.

  He alerted his dispatcher, who in turn alerted the state police. In just over an hour, two police cars sat near the Ford. Across the way, a short distance from the site of increased activity, an old farmhouse remained dark, its occupants unaware of what was happening just outside their door.

  * * * *

  Nature felt the terror rise in her chest. It reached her throat, threatening to cut off her air. She tried to struggle, but the restraints held her tight. The shrouded man drew near. Before he reached her, the restraints fell away. She was able to move, to run, to escape the evil before it consumed her.

  The man suddenly appeared in front of her, as if materializing from thin air.. She turned and ran in another direction. At each turn, the man was there. She could feel his smile even though she could not see it. The last time she turned to run, she felt his hands grab her from behind. She was naked.

  The man's hands cupped her breasts.. The fingers massaged the sensitive flesh, sending waves of tingling throughout her body. She savored the feeling, yet felt disgusted at the same time. She trembled when his hot breath touched her neck. She was afraid of her reaction; she wanted more.

  One moment she had her eyes shut, savoring the touch of his body close to hers, the next, she felt herself shoved over and a metal rod crammed inside. The man's rod followed. She thrashed. She fought. She tried to get him out. Nothing worked. The man covered her mouth with his hand. He pumped her harder and faster. She heard him grunting with each push. Pain wracked her body. The hands moved to her throat. They squeezed.

  Nature sat bolt upright in the bed, clutching at the sheets, a scream locked deep inside, the feeling of hands around her throat still present.. Her breath was rapid, her heart the same. Perspiration covered her brow. Tears covered her face. Web sat beside her, his head resting on his chest. He was asleep. Her sudden movements had not awakened him.

  She saw no other person in the room when she glanced around. The sky outside the window was dark. She assumed it was the middle of the night. Slipping out of the bed, she moved to the door and exited as quietly as possible. Web remained asleep.

  She made her way back to Patricia's room. The officer outside nodded at her when she approached but did not stop her. He was aware of who she was. In fact, he held the door open for her, clearing the way with the officer seated in the room.

  Nature walked to the bed. She sat in the chair used earlier for the session. She reached out and cupped the girl's cold hand. Her gloves were left in the other room. She wasn't concerned. She knew what to expect now. Again, the feel of the man filled her every fiber. She leaned close to Patricia and whispered in her ear. The girl remained unaware.

  The officer leaned against the wall with his arms crossed before him. He watched for only a moment before becoming bored. He focused his attention on his inner thoughts instead. He missed his wife. These night shifts were murder on his home life. Lately, she had started acting strange. He assumed it was because she was seeing another man. He hoped not. He loved her dearly and the thought of her asking for a divorce sickened him.

  He looked back at the woman sitting beside the girl's bed. He had heard some strange things about her, but to actually see her, he didn't see what the big deal was. If he passed her on the street, he would not even give her a second glance. When she continued to whisper words he could not hear, he returned to brooding about his job and marriage.

  Web slowly came awake. Something felt different; something was out of place, causing him leave the dream he was having, a dream filled with Nature. He stretched before opening his eyes. Where Nature should be, the bed was empty.

  He shot to his feet. The scraping sound of chair legs rubbing across the floor echoed in the room. He ignored it, frantically looking in all directions, trying to locate the missing woman. She was nowhere in sight. He moved to the bathroom to make sure she was not inside. It was also empty.

  He had an idea where she might be. Moving with speed, he crossed the room, opened the door, and exited. The officer outside the girl's room jumped away from the wall. He looked tired. Web could sympathize. He remembered the midnight shift, with its long hours. He didn't miss them.

  "Did you see the woman from this room?"

  "She went in here.” He pointed a thumb at the door next to him.


  Web walked past him and pushed the door open. The other officer inside glanced at him but did not straighten; he remained leaning against the wall. An air of negativity came off him. Web frowned.

  The frown disappeared when he saw Nature sitting close to the girl. He saw her holding the smaller hand without a glove. He saw the lost look on her face, her eyes open, staring. Her lips moved but he did not think she was aware of what she said. She gave no indication of knowing that he or the other man was in the room.

  He reached her side in a few steps. She remained lost, unaware of him, like the girl. He touched her shoulder. She never moved. He shook her gently. Again, no response. Her lips moved, paused, and moved again. Web heard no sound; the words were silent. Grabbing her hand, he forced Nature to release the girl.

  The moment the contact with the girl was broken, Nature's eyelids fluttered. She filled her lungs with a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her head turned away from the bed before she opened them again. Web saw the longing in them. He saw the need to talk. He helped her to her feet and guided her to the exit. She came willingly. As the door slid closed behind them, Web saw the officer inside still leaned against the wall. He had not moved; a look of utter boredom locked firmly into place.

  The officer outside the room was not of the same character. He moved with Web and held the door open to their room. He nodded once in departure as he pulled the door shut behind him. Web would be happy to have that officer on his department anytime.

  Gently, he led Nature to the bed. Her step was strong and steady by the time they reached it. But it felt nice to hold her. She felt the same, leaning against him for mental support more than physical. She sat on the side instead of lying down. He tugged the same chair he used earlier next to her. Once seated, he cupped her hands in his and waited.

  Nature was reassured by Web's touch. It felt safe. It allowed her to be free to talk about the new experience she just had. A new experience that was nice yet scary.

  "Do you believe in another world ... another place?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "A place of beauty, a place where everyone is happy."

  Thinking about his lost daughter, he said, “I hope one is out there, but, I'm not sure."

  Focusing her brown eyes on his, she said, “It exists. I've been there."

  He remained silent, waiting for her to continue.

  "It's in each of us. A world so peaceful that you don't want to leave. It's in Patricia. I found a way to reach where she was. I was with her. I tried to convince her to leave; she couldn't hear me.. She had her parents there, her boyfriend, and no pain. She didn't see any need to return to the land filled with so much suffering when she had everything she needed with her."

  "Web, it made sense. Why leave? Pain is on this side. Nothing but love and happiness is on the other.” She averted her eyes. “The only thing that brought me back ... was you.” She met his gaze. “Even if you were in my make-believe world, I would know you weren't really there.” She laced her fingers in his before continuing. “Web ... I love you."

  His heart soared. Hugging her, he whi
spered, “I love you too."

  It was the first time either of them had said those words aloud. It thrilled him to know Nature felt the same as he did.. But to have her actually say it, that was better than anything else. He wanted her to say it again.

  As if sensing what he desired, she said, “I love you, I love you, I love you."

  He leaned forward and kissed her, brushing her lips with his. She pulled him onto the bed next to her. She snuggled against him, burying her head into the crook of his arm. He folded his arms around her. Both knew this was not the time or place for sex; they respected the facility they were in and cuddled instead. They fell asleep that way, enjoying the peace of the moment.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was almost 10:30 in the morning when they pulled into the impound area. The state patrol vehicle led the way. Cars of all types covered the lot. A shiny black BMW sat near the back, a flashy red Mercedes next to it. Even though the camper was a newer model, it looked old and grimy in comparison.

  Web drove the camper around the building to a garage. Its large metal door was closed, blocking any view of what lay inside. He parked next to the cop car and got out. Nature opened her door and looked at the garage.. Her shoulders shook as a shiver ran up her spine. She dreaded the coming event. She knew what was behind the concrete walls.

  Both walked up to the door leading into the interior. North held it open for them, allowing Nature to go in first. All three stopped just inside to allow their eyes to adjust to the gloom. When they did, a plain brown van sat in the farthest work bay. It was the only automobile in the building.

  Several technicians were buzzing around it like busy little ants. Nature sighed. Though latex gloves covered their hands, their imprints would be everywhere, possibly covering whatever the man had left. She knew what she was about to do was going to be hard, now that job was made all the more difficult by too many people trying to do their job.