Innocence Taken Read online

Page 19

  With towels wrapped around her body and her hair, she walked to the oversized closet and picked out a sleek black dress. She returned to the bathroom and sat at the vanity table. The sound of a hairdryer filled the room. It was 6:30 p.m.

  * * * *

  Web drove all over the county looking for his deputy. He was still missing. None of the other officers reported seeing him either. The sheriff was worried. It wasn't like Lem to up and disappear like this. He shined his spotlight at the trees next to road 543. It lit up the area around them, leaving the rest draped in darkness. So far, all he saw were eye shines bouncing off animals hidden in the growth. He kept the cruiser's speed slow in case something showed up.

  His cell phone started ringing. He flipped it open and saw Natures number on the screen. Putting it to his ear, he said, “Hey."



  "Who else? Can I speak with Nature?"

  "She's not here."

  No sound followed. He thought he had lost the connection. “Sandy?"

  "Web ... have you seen her today?"

  "No, I've been in meetings all day, then hunting for my missing deputy."

  "Missing deputy ... is it Frewerson?"

  "How did you know?” His stomach began to turn, leaving a bad taste in his mouth.

  "He was supposed to meet me at seven. He didn't show. I was mad and wanted to talk to someone about it. After what you just told me, I put two and two together."

  "When was the last time you saw Nature?"

  "This morning, before I went to Grand Falls.. I peeked in on her while she slept. Why?"

  "Sandy ... I'll be right over.” He flipped the phone shut, tossed it into the passenger seat, and slammed the gas pedal to the floor, making the gravel under the wheels shoot out like bullets. He almost fish tailed out of control when the tires met solid pavement. When the sign for 341 came into sight, he slowed before turning. He floored it again once he hit a straightaway.

  The gate for Nature's place was up ahead. He was about plow through it when his headlights reflected off something to the right. He slammed on the brakes and lit the area up with the spotlight. The reflection bounced back. He spun the wheel toward a clump of trees. As he skidded to a stop, a sheriff's cruiser sat before him. He could tell it belonged to Frewerson.

  He exited his car with caution. He didn't know if anyone was still inside, waiting to ambush him. With his weapon in hand, he crept up to the back. Taking a quick look in with his flashlight, he found it empty. The front seat was another matter. A uniform lay crumpled on the seat, a hat on top of it, and a gun belt next to it on the floorboard. He put his gun away and grabbed the mike hanging on the dash.

  "Sandpiper ... do you read me?"

  "Yea, Sheriff."

  "I found Frewerson's cruiser. But I don't see him."

  "Where are you?"

  "Near the Kranderson place."

  "On my way. Be there in a few.” As the mike cut off, Web heard a siren wailing in the background.

  He searched the area around the car. A dark pool of something was under the trunk. He knelt down and touched it. His fingers glowed red when he trained the light on them. The bad feeling he had when talking with Sandy grew. He knew Frewerson never left anything in his vehicle, much less his uniform and prized hat. He straightened and directed the light farther out.

  The rainbow effect of water bounced off the trees. Web moved closer. At the edge of the embankment, he carefully looked over. Frewerson lay half in, half out of the stream. He wore only his underwear. Web leaped down the short drop. He raced to the fallen man. Congealed blood, partially washed away, covered the back of his head. His eyes were open, forced that way by the water. Web felt the side of the neck. He knew he wouldn't find anything. He didn't.

  His thoughts returned to his earlier conversation with Sandy.. Nature was missing. He bolted up to his car. Slamming it into gear, he plowed across the open ground toward the gate. He drove right through it, leaving a mangled mess of metal in his wake. The distance to the house was covered in seconds.

  As he slid to a sideways stop, Sandy flew out the door. “What's the matter ... did you find her?"

  Web leaped to the porch and ran inside. He ignored the questions tossed at him. He searched every part of the expansive house, hoping Sandy was wrong, that Nature was in a room, missed by the previous search.

  Sandy ran behind him, shouting, “I've already done that. She's not here."

  He stopped by the front door to catch his breath. Sandy grabbed his shoulders, “Web ... what's wrong? Tell me."

  He locked his eyes onto hers. “Lem is dead. I found him near the gate."

  "Oh...” She let go and stepped back, her eyes wide with shock.. That's when her foot bumped into something sticking out from under the stand near the door. She looked down to discover a slipper. Sandy had missed it when she came home, due to the packages in her arms blocking her view. “That's Nature's.” She bent over and picked it up. “Wonder why it's here? She always leaves them by her bed when she's not wearing them."

  Fear gripped Web's gut like a vice and twisted it several times.

  "What do you think happened?” Sandy asked. She set the slipper on the stand.

  He didn't answer. His mind was racing. Grabbing her hand, he pulled Sandy out the door.

  "Let's go. I have to get to the office."


  "I think Nature's in some really deep shit. I need to make some phone calls so I can try and track down where she was taken."

  "Web, what are you thinking? Where is Nature?” Her voice filled with the same fear he felt deep inside.

  "I think she's in the hands of a killer ... the same killer who did the Mosby girl."

  Web threw himself into the car. Sandy did the same. He floored it into a spin and started out the way he came. Sandy noticed the gate when they flew past. She knew then the seriousness of the situation. While Westerly raced to the office, Sandy prayed they would find her employer, her friend, before it was too late.

  * * * *

  Nature woke to light shining in through tinted windows.. She had no idea where she was. The last thing she remembered was the deputy at her door, telling her Web was hurt. That was before he attacked, knocking her out.

  She knew she was in a moving vehicle. The steady rocking motion informed her of that. She tried to shift her position, but found her arms restrained behind her and her feet tied together. Tape covered her mouth. A chill ran up her spine as she realized she was naked. The only thing keeping the cold air at bay was a thin blanket covering her. Glancing around, she saw the other woman.

  The woman stared at her with blue eyes speckled with dots of green. Her blonde hair was a mess. Some of it was still in a ponytail, but the rest was free ... unlike them. Tape covered her mouth as well. Bruises were on her face. Nature's eyes took in everything; she saw the bruises covering the rest of the exposed naked body. Her legs were not restrained. She wondered why the woman had not tried to escape. Because of the tape, she couldn't ask.

  Nature rolled her head upward. She looked toward the driver's seat. A man with short dark hair sat behind the wheel. His attention was focused on the road. As if sensing her watching him, he briefly glanced back at her. A smile was on his face. She saw it was the same man who impersonated the deputy this morning.

  "Don't worry, love, we'll be home soon."

  He turned his head forward. Nature felt her heart beat faster. She knew who he was now. To confirm her thoughts, she let her senses take in what her hands felt, the carpeting beneath her. The zing of the man: the man who killed Rew, the man who kidnapped and tortured Patricia, the man who killed so many before them, coursed through her. She was more afraid now than at any other time in her life. She knew what he did to his captives; she had seen it in her dreams. She hoped she would not have to experience it first hand. She hoped Web would find her before then.

  The sun progressed across the sky toward night. Darkness now enveloped everything. They
had been on the road since this morning and, except for gas, the man had not stopped. She knew he must be tired, and hungry. She was. She was surprised he had not taken her yet.. The visions told her he usually raped the girls early on. Why he waited was beyond her. The only thing she knew was that when he finally did; her dreams ... or rather nightmares ... were going to become a reality.

  * * * *

  Web sat behind his desk, the phone against his ear. He immediately called Detective Franklin when they arrived. Sandy paced back and forth. She was frustrated. She wanted to go find Nature, but didn't know which way to go. The ticking noise from the clock hanging on the wall drove her nuts. It read 2200, or 10 p..m. in regular time. The sound of a phone being set back on its cradle brought her attention back.

  "Well? What did he say?"

  "It looks like the girls listed by Nature were all from a central location. He picked up a piece of paper and showed it to Sandy. “See? Patricia was from Florida, Katherine from Georgia, and Connie was from North Caroline. The rest were from one of those three states or Virginia or South Carolina. He moved some papers covering a map. Using the paper as a guide, he poked thumbtacks into each spot where a girl was abducted.

  He leaned back when he finished. “Do you see a trend?"

  "They appear to follow a line, kind of up I-95, right?"


  "But what about these three?” She pointed to the pins for Rew, Vicki and Sarah. “Vicki was taken from Tennessee, Rew from the northern part of Virginia, and Sarah from near Charlottesville. They don't seem to fit the pattern."

  "I haven't figured that out yet.” He stood and started to pace in the same spot where Sandy had moments earlier. His frustration grew with each pass. The longer it took ... the more likelihood of not finding Nature alive. He had finally found someone worth loving and he was not going to lose her. Not like the last time.

  Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks. “Shit. Why didn't I think of this before?"

  He flew to the map and glared at the pins. He traced each one north. The ones by I-95 stopped at Charlottesville. He looked at the three strays. Starting with the pin for Vicki, he traced it up I-81 to where Sarah disappeared in Virginia. The ending points were close.. He found the one for Rew and followed it. It also met at the same spot as the one from Vicki, at Staunton. Looking to the east of his finger, he saw I-64 met with I-81. He looked up at Sandy. It was her turn to swear.

  Web's phone rang, causing the two to jump. He picked it up. On the other end was Franklin.. “It's late but I knew you were still there. I just read a report of a young woman who disappeared a few days back."

  "Go on."

  "The woman used to eat every morning for the last six months at a McDonalds a short distance past Nashville.. Suddenly she doesn't show. They were not worried at first. By the third day, they knew something was wrong and called the police."

  Web put a finger on Nashville as Franklin talked. It wasn't on either road leading to Staunton. He failed to see the connection. He said so.

  "At the same time, close to the woman's home, a stolen truck was found sitting in the middle of the road. We traced it back to an elderly couple living outside Clyattville, Georgia.. Close to their home was an abandoned older model Ford. It belonged to a woman and her daughter who disappeared from the Atlanta area at about the same time Patricia was found.” He paused. “Are you following me on this one now?"

  Sandy saw the scowl work its way across Web's face and the way he held the phone in a death grip. She knew the information was not good. She hoped it was not about Nature, though had a feeling it was tied in somehow.

  "We asked what kind of vehicle Miranda, the fast food lady, drove. They told us it was a Dodge Durango. It was dark blue in color. An all points bulletin went out the moment I got the info.” He stopped, letting Web absorb the information. “Web ... I think it's the guy we're looking for. I think, by all indications that he's on his way there.” Silence filled the airways. “Web, you there? Did you hear me?"

  "I heard you.” The words were spoken with calm force. “But you're too late. He's already been here. He's got Nature."

  This time it was Franklin's turn to fill the gap with silence. He managed to say, “Shit. Are you sure?"

  "I'm sure, buddy.” Web told him about his dead deputy and that Nature was last seen this morning, and not since. His voice cracked when he spoke of Nature. He also told the fellow officer of law about his conclusions concerning the girls, and where they led him. “I think he's close to that area. This kind of person always goes home."

  "That's a huge area. He could be anywhere."

  Web stared at the map of Virginia. He leaned forward quickly, cradling the phone against his shoulder. “Hold on, I have an idea."

  He traced the road from Charlottesville, toward Staunton, as he had prior to the call. He used his other hand to trace the path from Tennessee toward the same area. Close to where he stopped were the Appalachian Mountains. He looked at Sandy. “Didn't Nature say Rew was near some mountains, in a forest?"

  "I think so ... yea ... come to think of it, she did.” She leaned over the desk, as excited as Web. Her eyes scanned the area. “The area is so vast. How can we narrow it down?"

  Web heard Franklin speaking. Straightening the phone, he said, “Say again? I didn't hear what you said."

  "I said ... leave that to me. I'll start looking into reports from the area. I have a hunting buddy up there on the local force. You start your ass that way. I'll call you when I get anything."

  The gratitude in Web's voice said mountains. “Thanks, Franklin, I owe you."

  "Shut up and get moving. It's a long drive or flight, whichever you do."

  Web hung up and immediately dialed another number. After the person announced who they were, he said, “I need to book the earliest possible flight for two to Richmond. It's a police emergency.” He paused while the speaker gave him the information. “Is that the earliest?” Pause. “I'll get back with you.” He tried several other numbers and got the same, or worse, information. He slammed the phone down in frustration.

  "Not good, huh?"

  "The earliest flight I can book is 9 a..m. There's others, but they take too long. A lot can happen in that much time.” Web leaned back in his chair and laced his fingers behind his head.

  "Is it quicker to drive?"

  "No. It takes anywhere from 24 to 30 hours. I go fishing there sometimes when I want to get away."

  "Then it will take him that much time too. Maybe we can figure out where he's going and beat him there."

  Web looked at the secretary with renewed hope. He brought his arms down and picked up the phone again. “Delta? I want to book two for your 9 a.m.. flight to Richmond.” He gave their names and the necessary information so the charges went to the department. “Great. We'll be there."

  He set the phone down and grabbed his hat. Starting toward the door, he indicated for Sandy to lead the way. “Did anyone ever tell you you're pretty smart for a blonde?” He grinned for the first time in a while. She spun around and socked him in the arm. He rubbed the spot, “You know I could arrest you for battery on an officer of the law?"

  "Try it bud and I'll kick the shit out of you,” She said as she walked to the passenger door and got in.

  He got in behind the wheel and turned the keys. “I bet you would."

  "I hope Nature kicks the shit out of her kidnapper.” Sandy faced the window. She did not look at Web.

  His smile fell. Backing out of the parking spot, he drove toward Great Falls. The flashing lights on the roof of the cruiser announced the urgency of their mission to anyone on the road at this time of night. He remembered the look on Nature's face at the diner as she told him and Franklin about the girls. He also remembered what was done to them and felt a shiver of dread run through his body..

  Reluctantly he glanced at the clock built into the dash. The time of 12:27 glared back at him. To him, it was too long. At least 16 hours had passed since she was last s
een. The kidnapper could have done any number of horrible things in that much time. Grinding his teeth together, he mashed the gas pedal to the floor.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The SUV pulled off the highway well after dark. Nature saw the man look both ways before turning left. She could tell he was trying to find a place to park. She had witnessed his head jerk a couple of times prior to their slowing and knew he was not able to go much farther, not without risking an accident.

  She had no idea what time it was or where they were, she just knew stopping was not a good thing for the unknown woman or herself. When he stopped, pain followed. She glanced at the other woman's face. It was mostly hidden by shadows.. Nature thought she saw anticipation written on it. She again wondered about the lack of restraints on her legs and the reason for not escaping. Suddenly, she began to understand. This woman loved him.

  She was horrified at the thought of anyone loving what he did to them. As she continued to look at her, the woman looked back. Her eyes reflected the hunger in them. Something else surfaced. Nature was shocked to see jealousy in them. Before she could think about it any longer, the SUV stopped.

  Crickets chirped all around the vehicle. The sound of distant trucks hauling their payloads to their destinations echoed faintly. They weren't far from the highway. Keys jangled as something brushed against them. She saw the man stretch his arms up over his head. She heard him yawn. Instead of curling up in the front seat, he rolled over into the back.

  He crawled up to Nature. She cringed back as far as she could. He smiled and reached out with a hand, grabbing a fistful of hair, tugging her toward him. He bent over and kissed her taped lips. His lips traveled down her body to her breasts. He licked the nipples into a perky point before sucking on each one. Nature was disgusted. She wanted to throw up. She wanted to smack the shit out of him, but knew he would only enjoy it. He reveled in causing pain. It seemed to give him pleasure.