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Innocence Taken Page 4

  "I'm not hungry."

  "If you don't eat, I'll have to shove a garden hose down your nose and feed you that way—you want that?"

  Nature smiled. It was the only smile so far today. “Sandy, you are a blessing in disguise."

  She took the offered sandwich and bit into it. The savory taste of smoked ham and yellow American cheese teased her palate. It was wonderful. It was the first thing she had eaten all day. Sandy plopped an open bag of Lays potato chips on the counter between them, pulled one out, and tossed it into her mouth.

  "Why does something that's supposed to be so bad for you have to taste so heavenly?"

  "It's only bad if you eat too much.” Nature grabbed a chip and tossed it in with her partially chewed bite of sandwich. She smiled and her cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk.

  Sandy couldn't help it, she did the same thing. Both women enjoyed playing with their food. It helped pass the time and made sure one was fed, regardless of whether she wanted to eat or not. When the sandwiches were gone, Sandy hooked her arm in Nature's, making sure not to touch any exposed skin, and led her into the other study.

  This room had a fireplace, a set of comfortable easy chairs with high backs, and shelves loaded with books. Sandy led her boss to the chair on the right side of the warm fire before taking up residence in the left one. An oval shaped table sat between the chairs. A warmer with a pot of hot water sat in the middle. Nature grabbed the pot and poured each a cup of tea. She sipped at the liquid, dreading the next step—the debriefment of the session.

  Sandy picked up a notepad and pen. She waited for Nature to start.. Finally, after a few sips and a deep breath, Nature replayed what she had experienced.

  "The man who took Rew is a mystery. For some reason—he stays cloaked."

  Sandy raised an eyebrow. This was something never experienced before. The person was always able to be identified.

  "Even when he stood naked, his face remained shrouded.” Nature's shoulder shook. “The things he did to that girl ... I wouldn't wish those horrors on my worst enemy."

  Her secretary remained silent. She scribbled what Nature said, making a log for the police and for themselves. Nature did not seem to notice the action beside her. She was lost in the world of her vision.

  "He drove a brown van. It was plain, nothing written on it, no bumper stickers, nothing that would help to identify it. The license plate was just as shrouded. It was as if he could block the important parts.” Nature stared at the fire. “He enjoyed hurting her; in fact, he took great pleasure in it. He kept her naked, ready for use whenever his need filled him. And, he didn't just hurt her physically; he beat her down mentally, too. When he became bored with her, when she no longer fought back, he took her to meet the others."

  Those words cause the pen in Sandy's hand to hover above the paper. She looked at Nature, wanting to ask questions. She held back. She knew the answer would come soon enough.

  "He's done this before. He's killed other young girls after becoming bored with them, after using them in unspeakable ways. Rew was the eighth one. Seven other graves were close to hers. Seven..."

  Nature looked at her secretary, “Oh Sandy ... this man is a mass murderer ... and he enjoys it. It makes him horny. He likes to turn young girls into his sex slaves.” She leaned forward in her chair. “We have to tell Web. Can you call him and tell him to come back? Please?"

  Sandy placed the pad on the table and rose to her feet. She moved quickly to the phone,,,, picked up the handset, and dialed the sheriff's number. She did not need to look it up. She knew it by heart. They had worked together many times, on many cases. As she looked back toward Nature, she could see the cup in her hands shake, almost spilling its contents. She knew then that this was going to be like no other case they had dealt with before.

  * * * *

  Sandy opened the door after the second knock. Sheriff Westerly stood there. He was an imposing sight with his broad shoulders, cowboy hat, muscular features, and blonde hair. She understood why Nature liked him; he presented himself well. Being sheriff had made him confident without being cocky.

  "Good to see you again Web. What's it been ... a few hours?"


  "You coming in or just going to decorate the entrance."

  Sandy moved to one side, allowing Web to enter. She led him to the same study where the session was held earlier that day. Nature sat on the couch, her legs pulled up. She looked worried.

  "You have something.” It was a statement, not a question.


  "Is it bad?"

  "I think you had better sit."

  Web moved to the chair across from her. He put his hat on the table next to it and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. Sandy sat on the loveseat located next to the couch. She had the notepad in her hand.

  "Web, this man that killed the Mosby girl...” Nature paused. “He's killed before. She wasn't his first."

  "Are you positive?” Web knew it was a stupid question. He felt like he had to ask it, though.

  "I saw the place where he buried her. He talked about others.” Nature got to her feet and started pacing.. She stopped in front of him and said, “He's an evil one. He enjoys humiliating these girls then destroying them when he gets bored with them."

  Web leaned back and blew out a breath. “This is bad. Wonder why nothing about this has come up?"

  "I don't know. Maybe he takes them from different areas. Maybe no one has made the connection. There are so many missing persons.” Nature sat down again.

  "Were you able to see his face? Can you ID the killer?"

  "No. It was shrouded. It never came in.” Her shoulders sagged in defeat.

  "I'll start researching and get back with you.” Sheriff Westerly rose to his feet and moved to the exit. “Let me know if you get anything else.” He left the room. The women heard the front door close.

  Sandy glanced at Nature. “Glad he's with us. Remember how hard it was in the beginning?"

  "It was rough trying to get law enforcement to listen. That big case involving the kidnapped son of a Senator made them stop and think.” Nature snickered at the memory. “That was the first time we met Web."

  "Yup. He's wonderful now. It wasn't always like that, though. I remember when he was a complete ass.” Sandy made a face. “He thought he was god's gift to law enforcement. I guess mixing with us has brought him back to earth."

  "We helped him solve a lot of cases and made him look good. He appreciates that."

  "I think he appreciates you. I see the way he looks at you."


  "Don't Sandy me ... you like him too. Admit it. Why don't you just ask him out?"

  Nature's mouth hung open in surprise. She snapped it shut. “Because we work with him. Going out would only complicate things."

  "Only in your mind.” Sandy rose to her feet. “I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning.” She faced Nature before leaving, she added, “Brad's been gone for 14 years. It's time for you to live again."

  Nature watched as her friend left. She remained on the couch, thinking. Maybe she was right, maybe it would do her good to go out again. But, should she ask Web? She wasn't sure about that. He was a working partner. To her mind that was more important than dating him. Besides, if something went wrong, she'd have to find another source for law enforcement. No, dating Web was out of the question.

  Her thoughts wandered to the last night she and her husband Brad were together. They had made love on the couch, like teenagers, even though they were in their early thirties. Afterwards, Brad decided to drive to the local hamburger joint. Before he could reach it, a man driving an eighteen-wheeler was cut off. He lost control of the rig and it rolled onto their car, killing Brad instantly. When the police arrived and gave her the news, Nature fell into a deep state of shock.

  Her post cognitive ability had developed after puberty but it had not always worked properly. The sudden death of her husband caused her ability to peak.
She felt the feelings of each person who touched her. Their suffering, their happiness, their boredom ... everything. She did not mind it at first. It was interesting to see how others lived their lives. After a while, being touched became a torture. The news people learned about her after she helped with the Senators kidnapping case. They hounded her. They made her life a bigger hell than the psychic ability did.

  The police started coming to her for help, something that grated on the nerves of some, like Web. They brought items of the victims for her to touch, to find them. She was successful each time. Some were alive, able to be reunited with their families. Others were too late. Her reputation grew and families started contacting her on their own. She hired Sandy when she could no longer deal with the calls, and the people, and retain her sanity. She needed downtime.

  Her husband's life insurance was substantial due to good planning. It allowed her to buy the land, build this house, and have plenty of money left over to live on. The most sophisticated security system guarded the surrounding area, helping to keep the news people away. They left her alone now.

  Nature stretched out on the couch. She did not want to go upstairs. She was tired. Pulling the throw off the back, she covered herself. She fluffed one of the pillows and curled onto her side. That night she dreamed of her late husband.... and of Sheriff Westerly.

  Chapter Three

  The man drove the van around the block. He had traveled far from the cabin. He was in Florida. Girls of all ages roamed the beach. They flaunted their bodies to the guys, teasing them, making them want them. He wanted them. He wanted one in particular. She walked with her friends. Her tiny bright yellow bathing suit barely covered her full breasts and crotch. Her long sun bleached hair covered her tanned back like a mane. He wanted to run his fingers through it.

  He had driven to Florida because it was still warm here and the girls would still be wearing their bikinis. It also allowed him to shed most of his own clothes. He hated clothes. They made his skin crawl.

  The blonde strolled past his van. She did not notice the man sitting behind the wheel. He felt his penis rise as he looked in his rear view mirror and watched her ass swing back and forth with each step. He could feel her breasts under his hands. He could feel his cock pushing into her tight ass. He knew she would be his. He would find a way to take her.

  He watched as she went into a little café and came out with a drink. He watched as she separated from her friends and started toward a small red convertible sports car. He watched as she got in, started the ignition, then pulled out of the parking spot and drove down the road. Starting his own engine, he followed. He stayed a safe distance behind so she would not notice him. He wanted her. He wanted her badly, but would bide his time. This one might be The One. He hoped so.

  He watched as she drove to another beach and parked. She got out, walked onto the sand, and strut her stuff in the tiny suit she wore. The man could tell this one liked to show off. He could tell he was going to have many pleasures with this one. He smiled at the thought. Parking the van, he got out and walked in the same direction, a discreet distance behind her.

  He walked with a grace displayed only by one confident with himself. A tight black swimsuit showed off much of his muscular tanned body. Reflective sunglasses hid his black eyes. Girls watched him as he walked past. They admired his body and good looks. He smiled but remained focused on his intended love. He splashed at the waves with his bare feet.

  The blonde was unaware of the man. She was too busy teasing a group of gawking boys. He angled his direction toward her while acting as if he was looking at the ocean and bumped into her, almost knocking her over.

  "What the..."

  "Oh ... I'm sorry,” he stammered. “I didn't see you. I was enjoying the waves."

  Mindy was going to give this guy a severe tongue lashing until she saw how handsome he was. She decided to have a little fun instead.


  "Excuse me?"

  "I might."

  "Might what?"

  "Excuse you."

  "Oh. Like I said, sorry for bumping into you.” The man started to move past her, but she put a hand on his chest, stopping him.

  "Not so fast. I think you owe me dinner."

  The man played innocent, “I do?"

  "Yeah. You almost knocked me on my ass and I deserve dinner as payment for harm almost rendered.” Mindy ran her fingers around his upper body as she circled him, admiring the view he gave from every angle..

  "You do huh? What if I decide not to? What then?” The man smiled to soften his words.

  "Then I sue you for damages.” Mindy brought her hand down and bumped into his penis.

  "Then I guess I'll just have to take you to dinner. Where do you want to go? I don't know the area."

  "How about my place? It's quiet and close."

  "Your place it is. Lead the way."

  The man wrapped his arm around her waist and they walked back to the parking area. Mindy was thrilled this one had accepted. Most of the men here were old or immature. She could tell this one was different. She led him to her car and gave him a peck on the lips.

  "Follow me, lover boy."

  She got in, pulled out of the parking spot, and waited. The man returned to his van. He drove behind her to a small bungalow located about four blocks from the beach. He parked next to her. She got out, went up to him, grabbed his hand, and pulled him toward the one with the number five on it.

  "This is my place. It's small, but cozy. That, plus it's not attached to another building ... gives us privacy.” She smiled slyly.

  The man saw the distance between the buildings. He noticed their shutters were closed, blocking out the intense rays of light. He heard the hum of air conditioning and knew the windows were shut. He smiled.

  Mindy guided him to the door.. Letting go of his hand, she bent over, making sure her ass faced the man standing next to her, taunting him, and reached under a flowerpot sitting next to the small patio. A key lay hidden there. She unlocked the door and returned the key to its hiding spot. She pushed the door open wide.

  "Come on in.."

  The man walked past her, the side of his arm brushed against one of her breasts, and entered. The room was filled with white wicker furniture like the kind found at a Pier One store. He saw the tiny kitchen, no dining room table, because there wasn't any place to put one, and the quaint little twin bed tucked into the corner.

  "What do you think?” Mindy had come up behind him, standing close enough to whisper in his ear.

  He took off his sunglasses.. “It's cozy alright."

  Before he could say another word, Mindy came around and planted her lips on his. Her hands groped his body. He grabbed her arms, pulling them away. He did not want to seem too easy.

  "Hey ... what do you think you're doing?"

  "I want you.” Her voice was husky with need.

  "You're too young for me."

  "I'm legal. I'm eighteen."

  "Eighteen huh ... prove it. I'm not going to jail because of some under aged little girl.” He could see she was getting mad. Good. He liked a little fight with his sex.

  Mindy pouted before she moved to a small table next to the bed. He followed. She picked up a purse and flipped it open. She pulled out her driver's license and held it up for him to see.

  "Okay, you're eighteen."

  The man did not have to pretend any longer. He grabbed her, smothering her with his lips. One hand moved to her breast while the other reached for the string to her top. He pulled the cord and the tiny bit of material fell to the floor. He bent over and sucked on her perky tits. Mindy didn't wait. She tossed the license and wallet aside and reached for his crotch. It was bulging.

  "My, what a big cock you have,” she whispered.

  "The better to dip you with, my dear."

  He hesitated, wanting to ask her something. She sensed it. “What do you want?"

  "Do you like it kinky?"

  "Depends on how kinky.” She
had tried a lot at her young age.

  "Like ropes and tape."

  "Oh ... you're one of those kinds."

  The man's heart almost stopped. He thought she was going to kick him out and that was not going to happen. He had her here, alone, and she was not getting away.

  "There's some in the top drawer in the kitchen. I'll wait for you here. Mindy crawled onto the bed and lay down, arching her back so her breasts stood out. She smiled. She had been right about this one. He was different. She was in for an exciting time.

  The man walked to the kitchen. Mindy watched his ass, liking what she saw. She couldn't wait to get her hands on it again. He found the items and returned. She allowed him to tie her arms to the bedpost then one of her legs. He left the other loose. She blew him a kiss before he put the tape across her lips. She had no idea how deadly this man was. She was about to find out.

  He fondled each breast lovingly before moving toward her crotch. She wiggled, enjoying his gentle touch. He ran his hand under the material and slid a finger between her vaginal lips. She lifted her hips, forcing the finger to go inside her. She gyrated her hips, moaned, and pleaded with her eyes for him to take her. He became infuriated with her. He was supposed to lead the sex ... not her.

  Getting to his feet, he returned to the small kitchen. From one of the drawers, he grabbed a small wire whisk he had spotted earlier. He returned to the bed and pulled the rest of her swimsuit out of the way. He spread her legs. Mindy watched him, curious. When she realized what he was going to do with the whisk, she tried to fight. He backhanded her. She fought harder. He backhanded her again. He was smiling. He was loving this.

  The man guided the whisk toward her vagina. Gripping it tight, he worked the many wire strands inside. Mindy screamed. She tried to kick the man. He pinned her leg against his body. He twisted the whisk back and forth like a mixer. He watched the lips curl one way then the other. He felt his penis stiffen. Leaving the whisk where it was, he got to his feet and removed his swimsuit. His penis touched his abdomen. He stroked it.

  Mindy's eyes were filled with pain and fear. She saw the maniac look in his and knew she was in trouble. She wondered about her decision to allow this man to tie her up. She wondered about her loose behavior. Now she knew she was going to pay for it. She whimpered when he lifted her loose leg up, exposing her ass.