Innocence Taken Read online

Page 5

  He fingered it, shoved the whisk deeper into her vagina, and fingered her ass again. He grabbed his penis and guided it toward her. Mindy tried to shift her hips away, but the tied leg wouldn't allow it. He was holding the other tight against his body. He shoved his swollen member in without the aid of lubricant. It hurt. It wasn't like the other times. Those guys had used lubricant.

  He squirmed his hips in a circular motion, bumping into the whisk in the process. It shoved in deeper. She cried out. Then she moaned. The feeling running through her body was wonderful. She realized she loved it. He pushed in and out as hard as he could. His entire shaft disappeared into her anus. She arched her back, helping it go in. She gripped the ropes holding her arms and pumped him.

  She never realized the tape was gone until his penis was crammed into her mouth. She ran her tongue over it like an ice cream treat, teasing the tip. The man had his eyes closed. He savored every touch. She felt it hit the back of her throat. She arched her head back, taking it all. She felt the whisk twirl again. It hit her clitoris. It excited her.

  Suddenly, her mouth was filled with his sweet cum. She felt the shaft ripple as it released its load. She drank every drop, sucking the member until nothing more came out. When he pulled out, she expected him to untie her. He didn't. Instead, he covered her mouth with the tape again. She questioned him with her eyes. He only smiled.

  He padded to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. He bent over, looked in, and pulled out a can of Pepsi. He was glad it wasn't diet. Popping the pull-tab, he took a long drink. The can was emptied in three swallows. He reached in for another.

  Moving to a chair, he sat down, opened his legs and played with himself. He was trying to decide when he was going to sample her again and how he was going to get her to his van unnoticed. He knew he would have to wait until dark. He also knew he was going to enjoy the long drive back to the cabin. He knew this one wasn't The One, but he was going to make the most of her company anyway. As with the others, he would bide his time until he became bored, then hunt again.

  * * * *

  Nature sat up on the couch gasping. She had been dreaming, dreaming about the man, the one who loved to torture. She clutched at her throat. She could still feel his hands there. Sweat covered her brow. Swinging her legs over the side, she got up and went through the dark house to the kitchen. When she opened the door to the refrigerator, the bright light caused her to turn away and blink several times.. She fumbled inside, grabbed a bottled water, then shut the door, blocking the painful light. She twisted the cap and took a long drink. The cold moisture wet her parched throat. She pulled out a stool from the breakfast bar and sat down. She moved the bottle to her forehead. It helped reduce the heat coming off.

  What was it about this case that bothered her? None of the others had even crossed her mind. Why was this one different?

  "Couldn't sleep either?"

  The sound of Sandy's voice nearly caused her to jump out of her skin. Nature turned to see her secretary leaning against the doorframe, wrapped in an oversized white terrycloth robe, her arms crossed before her.

  "Don't DO that. You nearly caused me to have a heart attack. Out in the middle of nowhere ... that would not be good."

  Ignoring the comment, Sandy went to the fridge, grabbed another bottle of water, and moved to the other barstool next to Nature.. She took a drink before setting it on the counter. Reaching over, she flicked on a small florescent light over the bar. It was shielded, preventing the glow from hurting their eyes.

  "I heard you calling out. I listened for a while. When the noise stopped, I knew you were awake. That's when I heard the stool slide across the floor. I decided to join you."

  Nature gripped the bottle with both hands. She stared at it. “I was dreaming about that girl ... and the man who did those terrible things. I tried to see him, but he remained hidden. He laughed at me."

  "I heard you moan several times."

  Nature remained silent. She remembered the touch of the man's hands on the girl. She remembered the touch of her husband on her own body. She missed it. She missed him. She was lonely.

  "What do you think it means?” Sandy asked.

  "I think it means I want to solve this case so badly that I'm subconsciously responding to it. I want him caught before he kills again."

  "You'll catch him."

  "But will it be in time?"

  "I hope so."

  Both women sat at the bar, talking, until the rays of daylight broke over the horizon. They moved to the patio located to the rear of the house and watched in silence as the reddish orange colors of sunrise washed over everything. When they became too tired to stay awake, they went inside. Both retired to their rooms in an attempt to get more sleep. The sun was high in the sky before either did.

  Heavy pounding on the front door jerked them awake. Nature heard Sandy's bare feet trot down the stairs. The front door opened and voices echoed in the hall. Silence followed. Then she heard footsteps come up the stairs. She sat up as Sandy entered. Her look was blank.

  "Sheriff Westerly is downstairs. He's not alone. Another man is with him. I think he's another cop."

  "What happened?"

  "I don't know. They wouldn't say."

  "Take them into the study. I'll be down in a few."

  Nature threw the covers back. She walked to the dresser, pulled out a comfortable long sleeved pullover shirt and put it on. Jeans hung on hangers in the closet. She grabbed a dark pair and put them on. She went into the bathroom and ran a comb through her hair. She was glad of the fact that she did not need makeup. To her, it was a bother to put all that stuff on. Satisfied with the look, she went downstairs to meet the men.

  Web stood by the side exit, looking out at the many panes of glass. Another man with a cowboy hat hanging from his hands sat on the loveseat. He stood when she entered the room. Nature was thankful that Sandy had not let anyone sit on her preferred spot, the couch. She walked to it and indicated for both men to have a seat before she sat. The stranger returned to his previous position. Web moved to the chair.

  ""Web ... what brings you here?"

  The sheriff looked first at her, then at the other man. When he spoke, her heart fell. “There's been another kidnapping."


  "Two days ago."


  "Florida.” He turned to the man on the loveseat, “This is Officer Spangle. He's from the Orlando area.

  "Brevard County, ma'am."

  His voice was soft, but it carried across the room. Nature liked the sound of it.

  "A girl disappeared. The family found her gone and searched but couldn't find anything. They called us. However, like them, we found nothing. I remembered reading about you and was hoping you'd come help us locate her."

  "Are you sure she didn't run away?” Nature asked.

  "No ma'am, she didn't. She loved her family, they're a close lot."

  She looked at Web. “Do you think this is tied in with the other case?"

  "It might be. That's why I brought Spangle here."

  "I see."

  Sandy came into the room and stood behind Nature. The older woman looked over her shoulder at her and smiled. She turned back to the officers. “I'll come—but under certain circumstances. First, I want Sheriff Westerly to go with me.” Sandy started to speak but Nature held up a hand. “Sandy ... I want you to stay here. If I need information, I want you to be the one to look it up."

  "But Nature..."

  "Sandy, you're the only one I trust, the only one I allow to stay here. Please follow my request."

  "Okay, but I don't like it.” Sandy showed her displeasure with her stance. This was the first time they had not traveled together and she didn't like it, not one bit.

  "Second, I need as few people there as possible. And third, I need something that was special to the girl, something not touched by half the county."

  "You got it ... all of it.” Officer Spangle stood. “When do we leave?"
  "You will fly back as soon as possible to get things ready. I will meet you there."

  "You're not flying with me?” The man looked surprised.

  "She doesn't fly ... too many people ... too close. They might touch her and that would not be pretty,” Sandy said.

  "But won't that waste precious time?"

  "Not with two of us taking turns at driving."

  "I'm not sure if I can be away that long,” Web said. “I was elected to be sheriff ... not a taxi driver."

  "Do you want to catch this killer?” Nature spat at Web. “I think you do. Why else would you bring this man to me?"

  "Because I know you can find her,” he shouted. Web got out of the chair and moved to the outside door, staring at the open plains beyond. “And because I want her found alive."

  Nature looked at Spangle, “I have a camper. I can be on the road in one hour. Web, can I count on you?"

  He kept his back to her. After staring out the glass a second longer, he said, “Yea. Can I use your phone? I'll have to make arrangements.” He turned around. “And I need to get some clothes."

  "I have some. They aren't uniforms, but they'll fit.” Nature did not tell him they belonged to her late husband. He didn't need to know.

  Sandy took the sheriff to the kitchen. When she returned, she led Officer Spangle to the garage where she told him to wait in the SUV parked there. She would take him to the airport since Westerly would be on the road with Nature.

  Upon coming back to the study, she said, “I think leaving me behind is a mistake. We've worked many a case together and I know how you operate."

  "Sandy ... if this guy finds out about me, I want you out of the way. You're my best friend. I don't want him to focus on you."

  "I can handle myself."

  "I don't need that kind of distraction—or worry. I want to catch this jackass quickly."

  Before Sandy could respond, Sheriff Westerly returned to the room. “Everything's all set. Deputy Frewerson will watch out while I'm gone. I told him I'd be away for about a week on a case.” He noticed the tension in the room. “Is everything okay here?"

  "It's fine.” Nature hugged Sandy close. Sandy didn't say anything. She remained stiff.

  Nature left the room and went upstairs to pack. Sandy exited out the side door, heading toward the garage where Deputy Spangle waited.. The engine for the SUV roared to life. Westerly heard gravel hit the garage as it flew out from under the spinning tires. The sound faded as the vehicle left the area, taking Spangle back to the airport. Westerly shook his head. He knew this was going to be a long ride. He only hoped it would be worthwhile and a killer found before it was too late for another girl.

  Half an hour later, Nature entered the study with a bundle of men's clothes in her arms. Sheriff Westerly halted his pacing and moved to take them from her. She turned away.

  "Please don't touch me."

  "Just wanted to help. I forgot about the touching thing.” He backed off.

  Nature set the clothes on the loveseat. “There are some shirts, pants, and socks here. We can get the other things you need on the road.” She stepped back, allowing him to come closer.

  Westerly picked up a shirt and held it against his body. “Looks like it will fit. Where did you get these things?"

  A look of sorrow washed across her face. It was gone a second later. Westerly almost didn't see it, it was erased so quickly. He did not know much about Nature's past. Both she and her secretary did not talk about it. He took the silence as a cue and changed the subject.

  "Are we going by way of 94?"

  "Yes. We'll take I-94 to I-39 then go south."

  "I'll drive first.” Westerly folded the shirt and put it on top of the rest. “What can I put these in?"

  Nature didn't argue with Web about the driving. She was exhausted from her restless night. She moved into the hall and brought a suitcase through the door.. She placed it beside the stack of clothes on the loveseat before stepping away.


  The sheriff kept out a pair of jeans and a stripped button up shirt. “I'm going to change before we leave.” He paused and looked at Nature. “You mind stepping out?"

  "I'll wait for you in the hall."

  Nature closed the door behind her. She knew when she took out Brad's old clothes; it was going to hurt. She did not realize how much until she saw the shirt in front of Web. It brought all her memories back in a rush. She hoped she was not making a mistake by letting the sheriff use them. She was pulling on a pair of soft tan leather gloves when the door opened.

  Sheriff Westerly stepped into the hall with his suitcase. He took her breath away. He looked so much like Brad. She turned toward her own suitcase in the hopes of hiding her reaction. Picking it up, she moved toward the front door.

  "Let's hit the road."

  Westerly gripped the handle of his suitcase tighter and followed Nature. When she didn't lock the door, he paused. “You going to lock up?"

  "No one will bother the place."

  "You sure about that?"

  Nature faced the sheriff. “Sheriff Westerly—do you want to waste time bickering about locking the door—or do you want to get on the road before dark.” She spun around on her heels and continued toward the garage.

  Westerly frowned. He did not like the idea of leaving the place unsecured. He set the suitcase down, grabbed the door, opened it, turned the lock, and closed it again. He gave the knob a twist to confirm it was locked before picking up the suitcase and moving toward the garage. Nature was already in the cab, in the passenger seat. The camper was one of those with a truck front and a camper back. He went to the back and put the luggage inside. Returning to the front, he got in the driver's seat.


  "Quite—you?” Westerly responded, a smile covering his face.

  Nature looked out the window without responding. Web turned the ignition key and started down the same road Sandy took earlier. He drove toward the town of Jordan where they would get on I-94 East. Silence filled the camper as the miles disappeared behind them..

  Chapter Four

  Mindy felt each and every bump the van drove over. She had been in the back of the van since last night.. The man driving had taken her from her home in Florida and now she had no idea where she was. Her arms were tied behind her. They had fallen asleep some time ago. Each of her legs hung from a rope secured to the roof. They swayed with the movement, causing the rug under her to rub her bare skin raw.

  The rest of her felt just as raw. The man had used her in every way conceivable. She had never had so much sex before. Now she hated it, hated it with every fiber of her body. When she found a way to hurt him in return, she would.

  The van pulled over. She watched the curtain pull back and the man crawl toward her. He moved between her swinging legs, placing an arm on either side of her body. He hadn't spoken during the entire drive for which she was glad. She hated the sound of his voice almost as much as she hated him.

  He lowered himself on to her body. She felt him kiss her taped mouth. She felt his hands on her breasts.. She felt him spread her ass with his legs. Then she felt his engorged penis brush against her skin. She wondered if this man ever stayed down. He never seemed to be satisfied for long. She waited with a clenched jaw for the inevitable, but it never came. Instead, he got off her and moved toward an object lying partway under a blanket. When he pulled it out, she saw it was a riding crop, one of the kind used by jockeys..

  The man watched as the angry glare in the girls eyes turned to fear. When he first saw her, he knew she was going to be a pleasure to work on, but had not realized how much until he saw her level of defiance. He had pulled over more times than he cared to admit to sample her. She was such a joy to ride. Now he wanted to whip this mount into shape.

  He brought the whip up and held it high, loving the way she looked at it, then at him. He brought it down across the backs of her legs. By the time he stopped, whelps covered each leg and trickles of blo
od ran from them. He was as hard as the whip. With a need driven wild by her pain and her defiance, he shoved the end of it into her anus. She screamed. It met resistance as she squeezed her ass shut. When he attempted to shove it in again, she bent her knees and twisted away.

  Her resistance only excited him more. He knelt between her legs and forced them to remain apart. He lifted her ass and brought the anus into sight. The girl was almost bent in half. She shifted her shoulder to one side, causing him to lose his grip. He grabbed the hair covering her vagina and lifted, glaring at her. She remained still. Tears ran from her eyes.

  The man guided the whip to her anus again. His body and arm held her legs apart like a vice, preventing her from turning. This time, he crammed the whip into the opening and yanked it back. He did this so many times that his arm grew tired from the effort. Finally, when he could take no more, he fell onto her body and rammed his penis into her vagina.

  He rode her like a wild man, his urgency so great. His screams mingled with hers as he twisted and grinded. When he didn't think he could take any more pleasure, he released his sperm deep inside. He collapsed onto the girl's body, his sweat mingling with her tears. He lay there, kissing her face, eyes, and taped mouth. He felt so much pleasure that he could not wait to get her to the cabin. There he would not have to worry about anyone finding her and taking her away.

  He left the riding crop in her. He wanted her to remember who was in charge here and what he had done to her during the journey. He had seen the tears flowing from her eyes, but he had also seen the defiance behind them. He was in heaven. He realized now that the last girl had been too easy. This one was a gift, a gift he planned on unwrapping for some time to come.

  Putting the van into drive, he merged in with some big trucks rolling on I-95 toward their destinations.. He loved the sight of the big rigs with their many lights. They reminded him of his favorite holiday, Christmas. He smiled as he slid behind a small convoy, humming holiday melodies as he drove.