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Innocence Taken Page 6

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  Fast food wrappers covered the dash of the camper as they continued across the states. They were close to Eau Claire, though Nature knew they were not going to make it there tonight. It had been close to noon by the time they left her house.. It was just past midnight now. Westerly was tired. He did not admit it but she could see it. A sign glowed in the headlights as they drove past. It was one of the green ones that showed how far it was to what lay ahead.

  "A rest stop is just up the road. Why don't we pull in for a couple of hours? We both need some sleep."

  "I can make it a bit farther."

  "Web ... you're tired. I'm tired. After some rest, we can make it to Atlanta before we have to stop again. Please?"

  The last word was the one that sunk in. “Okay ... we'll stop for a short time. But not for long. We need to get there before the trail gets cold.” He glanced at Nature. She nodded her head in agreement.

  Westerly put the right turn light on when the off ramp appeared. He exited from the highway, slowing as they neared to parking area.. Pulling into a spot made for larger vehicles, he turned the camper off. The clicking from the cooling engine and the roar of trucks as they passed by were the only things to break the silence that filled the cab.

  Nature opened her door and got out. She stretched her tired muscles and said, “There's room for two in the back. I have a bed over the cab if you want to use it."

  "I'll stretch out here."

  "Are you sure? You'll rest better in the back."

  "I'll be fine.” Westerly pulled his long legs from under the steering wheel and stretched them out on the recently vacated seat.

  "If you change your mind, the offer stands."

  The sound of snoring was his response to her words. She saw Westerly's chin was resting on his chest, his arms crossed in front of him. She smiled as she made her way to the back. Returning with a blanket, she draped it onto his sleeping form. He mumbled something in his sleep as he changed positions. She could not make it out. She shrugged her shoulders.

  The air was cool once the sun dipped below the horizon. She shivered as she made her way to the back of the camper and got it. Once inside, she moved to a bench seat located behind the table. She transformed the area into a bed, and was sleeping soon thereafter.

  It seemed as if she had just shut her eyes when a hand shook her awake. She opened them to see Westerly standing there. He had a cup of vending machine coffee in his hand.

  "It's strong and black. For machine coffee, it tastes okay."

  "What time is it?"

  "Almost two in the morning."


  "Come on sleepy head. We need to get moving. We have a long way to go.” He set the coffee on a counter beside her and exited.

  She groaned as she sat up. Every joint ached from sitting too long. Picking up the coffee, she took a sip. It tasted awful. She set it down again. The urge to pee motivated her to get up more than the lousy coffee did. Or Westerly for that matter. Flipping back the covers, she got up and moved to the closet sized bathroom. After completing her mission, she picked up the stuff she referred to as mud and exited the back.

  Westerly was leaning against the driver's door. His cowboy hat sat forward on his head, a similar cup of mud was in his hand. She watched as he guided it to his lips, grimaced at the taste, and lowered it again.

  "Tastes okay, huh? Boy was that an overstatement."

  "Hey, what can I say? At least it wakes you up."

  "You want me to drive?"


  Web turned around and grabbed the door handle. He opened it and sat down before she could object. Shrugging her shoulder, she moved to the other side and got in.

  "You're not one of those chauvinistic types are you?” she asked as she buckled her seatbelt.

  "Not to my knowledge."

  "But you won't let me drive."



  "Because I was raised to treat women right."

  "Even if treating them right means being unfair and chauvinistic?"

  "Yes ma'am."

  Nature looked out the window. She shook her head at Web's logic. It was nice to be treated like a lady, yet irritating to be treated like an invalid. The engine started. She watched the big rigs parked with their lights on as they drove past. A few seconds later, the camper merged smoothly onto I-94.

  Not many vehicles were on the road at this time of night.. Nature leaned her head back against the headrest. She wondered about Web. She also wondered about the killer. What would be waiting for her in Florida? What kind of nightmares would she have from this session? Would the kidnapper be the man ... or would it be someone else? She hoped the girl was all right.

  "What do you know about the girl?"

  "Not much,” Webb answered. “I know she had just turned eighteen, but that's about all."

  "Why did Officer Spangler come to me?"

  "Because he heard about your successes and hoped this would be one also. You're pretty much famous among the police community, you know."

  "No ... I didn't"

  Nature did not like the idea of being considered famous. All she wanted to do was help the victims and their families, whether it was by uniting them or helping them find closure for their loss. Silence filled the cab once again as she closed her eyes to think..

  She woke with a start some time later, a scream locked in her throat. She did not know how long she had been asleep. The dream was still fresh in her mind. Westerly faced forward, his eyes fixed on the road, his arm resting on the window ledge. Sweat covered her brow. She wiped it off with the sleeve of her shirt then rolled down the window to get some fresh air.

  "Where are we?” Light reflected off the road, making it look like water.

  "About three hours out of Nashville.” He glanced at her. “Do you have those nightmares often?"

  She sat up, unable to look at him. He had seen her vulnerable side. She had forgotten about that when she made her decision to leave Sandy.. Now it was exposed.

  "Yes.” The word was almost lost in the rush of air flowing into the open window.

  He frowned. The five o'clock shadow covering his face shifted. His eyes remained glued to the road. Nature was grateful that he did not look at her.

  "You hungry?” he asked.


  A blue highway sign indicated that a McDonalds was one of the eateries located ahead. Web veered onto the exit ramp. At the stop sign, he turned the camper to the right. A gas station was next to the hamburger place. He pulled into it first.

  "I'll place our order. Meet me there."

  Westerly nodded his head as he removed the gas cap. Nature strolled to the McDonalds and went inside. Before she moved to the counter, she beelined it for the restroom. She emerged a few minutes later, her bladder empty, her stomach as well.

  It was almost eleven o'clock. Lunch was going on, for which she was glad. She wasn't much of a breakfast person. She let several other patrons go ahead of her. She was waiting for Westerly.

  The door opened and Westerly entered. He was a striking figure with his hat, boots, and muscular body. Brad's clothes looked good on him. Two teen girls sitting in a booth watched as he walked over to Nature. They leaned close and whispered, glancing in his direction several times. He was oblivious. He was looking at the menu.

  "You ordered yet?"

  "No, I was waiting for you."

  Nature smiled. She watched the girls fan themselves as if hot before breaking down into giggles. They continued to watch as he walked across to the counter. He ordered his food, waited for Nature to order hers, then paid for everything. Chivalry was in action again.

  While they waited for the food to be delivered, Nature thought about where they were going and what awaited their arrival. The girls, with their innocence, reminded her of Rew. She couldn't help it, they were so like her. A rush of sadness flooded her heart. She had to get outside, she had to get away from the girls; she had to ge
t away from everything.

  "I'll be outside."

  "You okay?” There was concern in his eyes.

  Nature ignored the question. She had to get out now, before she lost control. The gloves on her hands protected her from the feelings of others, but they did not help against what was within herself. She shoved the door open and practically ran to the camper. Getting into the passenger side, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Her heart was racing, her breath matching its speed.

  Westerly opened his door and got in. He set the food down between them, the drink carrying tray next to it. He looked at Nature. She refused to look at him. She had to get herself under control before she did that. If she looked now, she would lose what little grasp she had.

  "You going to be okay?” His voice was gentle, soothing.

  She nodded her head yes, her eyes remained closed.

  He continued to look at her, one arm thrown over the steering wheel. He knew so little about the woman sitting next to him. He knew only about her ability because she had used it to help solve many of his cases. As if sensing his eyes upon her, she opened hers and looked at him. She quickly looked at the floorboard, unable to maintain contact.

  "It there anything I can do to help?"


  "Do you want to talk about it?"


  "Nature ... I want to help. The one thing I have discovered over the years is that it helps to talk it out."

  "Web ... please ... let it alone for now. I need time."

  "Would it help if you called Sandy?"

  Nature was forever grateful for those words. They showed that he understood, that he would not demand she talk to him. “No, that's not necessary. I'll be fine.” She opened the bag, grabbed one of the French fries and popped it into her mouth, allowing the end to stick out like an antenna.

  The girls were leaving as Westerly backed the camper out of the parking space. They smiled at him before they turned toward the local town. Nature watched them disappear down the sidewalk. She hoped that they would remain safe, that they would grow up to be wonderful mothers and wives, that they would not be another statistic—like Rew.

  The miles flew past as they made their way to Florida. Westerly hung his arm out the open window after his meal was finished. Nature wasn't hungry anymore, but ate to keep Web off her back. He was so much like Sandy. Maybe that was why she was drawn to him. Maybe that was the reason she insisted on his being here, instead of Sandy.

  "Web, why did you agree to come with me?"

  "Because you asked me to."

  "Web ... really, why?"

  He didn't answer immediately. He stared at the road ahead."


  "Because I want to see that bastard caught as much as you do. I want to see that son of a bitch castrated and hung for what he did.” He looked at Nature. She saw the fire in his eyes. “I want other families to not have to go through what the Mosby's had to go through."

  "What if this girl is dead?"

  "Then we work harder. We find him before he kills again."

  Nature saw him return his gaze to the road ahead. She turned hers forward also. A sign for Savannah showed they were about two hours away from the city. She looked back at Westerly. He was bleary from driving for so long with only short rest breaks in between.. She watched as he shook his head to clear it.

  "Web, you've been driving for almost 18 hours. Pull over and let me drive. You need to get some sleep."

  "I can make it."

  "To what? An early death?” She was angry at his stubbornness.

  "We have to get there. We have to save the missing girl from that monster."

  Everything fell into place. She understood what drove him to get there in such a reckless manner. “Web, pull over. I'll make sure we get there quickly.” She reached over, resting her gloved hand on his shoulder.

  He flinched at the touch. He knew she was right, though. He was exhausted. The camper slowed. It pulled off onto the grass. He put it into park once it stopped, got out, and walked to the passenger side. His legs were wobbly. Nature slid across the seat to the driver's side. Westerly got in, crossed his arms and waited.

  "Well ... we're not going to get there quickly unless you start moving,” he snarled.

  Nature ignored the harsh words. She knew why they were there. She felt the same way. Checking the side mirrors to make sure it was safe; she put the camper in gear and pulled back onto the highway. They had almost eleven hours before they reached their destination. It would be too late to check in with the police when they arrived. Nature wanted to get there, but, then again, she didn't. She never looked forward to the sessions. They caused her to die a little bit each time, just like the victims. She hoped this time would be different. This time, she hoped the outcome was good. This time, she hoped the girl was found alive and returned to her loving family. Snoring was her only companion during the long hours that followed.

  Chapter Five

  The holly bush came into view. It was just before sunset. The man was tired. He had driven throughout the day, stopping only to sample the girl when his need overwhelmed him. He pulled the van off the blacktop and onto the overgrown drive. He parked it behind the vines, as he had before with the other girls. He got out and went to the back, opening the doors.

  The girl lay on her back, legs hanging spread apart, arms tied behind her back, naked.. She glared at him with hatred. He reveled in the look. It made him want her now. He knew he had to wait. He had to get to the cabin. A sense of urgency filled him. He did not know where it came from, or why. All he knew was he had to move.

  He crawled in beside her. She moved as far away as her restraints allowed. He reached up and unbuckled one of the restraints, letting the freed leg fall. It landed with a resounding thud. He turned his attention to the other leg. It also fell with a thud. The girl winched with pain. He smiled. He held a finger up, wagging it, indicating she'd better behave when he moved her. She nodded her head slightly.

  The man shifted to the back of the van, helped the girl into a sitting position and jumped out. He grabbed her arms and pulled her backwards. When she reached the edge, he lifted her to her feet. Her legs buckled from long periods of inactivity. He held her until he was certain she could stand on her own. She shivered when the cold air hit her bare skin. He wrapped a light blanket over her shoulders. He slammed the doors to the van shut and pulled the girl to the trail leading up into the mountains. He allowed her to walk in front of him because he was too tired to carry her.

  The trail lay invisible in the growing darkness. The girl stumbled several times, forcing him to take the lead after she scraped her leg on a branch. He knew the way. He knew what was in the way. He groped her breasts and crotch before he untied her arms from behind and retied them in front. He wanted her badly. His penis was as hard as the nearby trees. He had to wait. He had to get her to the cabin first, where he could make her his without the chance of interruption.

  Three hours into the walk, he decided he couldn't wait any longer. He had to have her. He tugged on her arms, causing her to fall on her hands and knees. Unzipping his jeans, his penis leaped to freedom. He did not wear underwear. Kneeling behind her, he grabbed her hips and shoved his penis deep into her anus. He liked the anus best. It was tight and rubbed him better than the vagina ever could. He pumped and pumped. Mindy cried out. He didn't care. No one was close; no one would hear her. He lifted her hips higher and pushed as hard as he could. It wasn't enough; his need filled him too much. He couldn't ejaculate. He had waited too long.

  In frustration, he withdrew. He looked around in the darkness for something, anything he could use to excite himself further. While he was distracted, Mindy rose to her feet. His back faced her. She moved quietly away from him, her eyes glued on his shadowy form.

  She stepped on a twig. It snapped. The man spun around, seeing her. He became enraged. He charged at her. She fell to one knee, making it seem as if she was giving up. He hesitated, al
most on top of her. She planted the heel of her foot firmly into his groin. His penis felt hard under her foot. The man fell over, his hands clutching his wounded part.. She leaped to her feet and ran, ran as if her life depended on it, because it did.

  Mindy crashed through the undergrowth. The darkness of night made it difficult to see beyond arms length. Leaves covered the ground, hiding tree roots and other obstacles. She fell down many times. Her hands remained tied; she did not have time to free them. The ground started to slope downward. She flew with it. Her breath was ragged. She had not exerted herself this much in a long time. She ripped the tape off and stopped to catch her breath. A crashing noise sounded behind her, deep in the shadows. She ran on.

  She thought several times about stopping and hiding. Each time, the thought was dashed by the sounds of close pursuit. The man after her wasn't trying to be quiet. He wanted her to know he was there. He was probably going to use her in even more horrible ways before he killed her. She wasn't going to let that happen. She had to get away, to warn the police. She had to stop the maniac from hurting another girl.

  Mindy had her head down, trying to put distance between her and the man chasing her. When the trees cleared before her, she was in a full out run and could not stop. She flew over the edge. Her screams echoed throughout the valley below. It bounced in tempo each time she hit an outcrop of rock or tree. It stopped when she did, at the bottom of the cliff.

  The man leaned over the edge. He had heard the screams and slowed his forward progress, thus preventing himself from following her. He couldn't see anything. The dark covered everything, including the girl. The thought of her twisted dead body lying speared by a tree or bloody across the ground excited him. His penis grew. He gripped himself and began to pump. He jerked harder and harder, faster and faster, until he finally found the release he sought. With a moan of pleasure, he ejaculated over the edge, hoping it hit the body of the girl below.

  Anger replaced the joy caused by his release when he thought about the loss of the girl and the pleasure associated with her. A frown formed as he put his limp penis back inside his jeans. Now he would have to hunt again, hunt for The One. He would have to return to Florida, where it was still warm. Maybe he would go to the Keys, or maybe Miami. He would make up his mind along the way. Still angry about the loss, he stormed back the way he came until he reached the trail leading to the van.