Innocence Taken Read online

Page 9

  She turned away from the drum. Her legs were wobbly. She felt hands hold her. They guided her to a bench and forced her to sit. She heard someone retching. She realized it was herself.

  "It was him, wasn't it?"

  Westerly was kneeling in front of her. When she was finally able to look into them, she saw his eyes were once more filled with concern. She nodded her head yes, unable to bring words past her constricted throat.. His face became grim. Standing, he turned to the officers.

  "You need to fingerprint the drum. The man who kidnapped the girl touched it."

  Officer Myristate stared at Nature, “Are you sure?"

  Westerly answered for her. “Yes, she's positive."

  "I don't know."

  Myristate was skeptical. He did not know who this woman was. He did not want to base an entire manhunt on her say so, just because she touched an oil drum supposedly touched by the kidnapper. If the information were wrong, his superiors would have his ass. Not to mention the lawsuits that would arise.

  "What's taking you so long ... move!” Westerly took a step closer to the officer. He was angry.

  Deputy Spangle moved in front of Westerly. He faced the hesitant officer. “Can I see you for a minute?"

  Both men moved away. Westerly remained where he was. He watched as they talked. He saw the beach officer cross his arms in front of his chest. He saw the deputy wave his arms toward the north. He saw the officer frown. The deputy frowned. After a few minutes of heated discussion, the officer moved toward his car. He reached in, removed the mike, and spoke into it. Spangle walked their way.

  "I convinced him to do as you asked."

  "What was his major malfunction?"

  "He doesn't know about Mrs. Kranderson, about her reputation. I filled him in."

  Movement caught Westerly's attention. He watched as a vehicle pulled into the lot. Another officer got out, a fingerprint kit in his hand. He moved to the drum, completed his task quickly, and returned to his vehicle. The drum was placed in the back of a pickup. It followed the previous vehicle.

  Nature remained where she was. She had not watched anything. Her thoughts were on the man, and the girl in his possession. What was it that made him impossible to see? Was it the evil she felt? Was it the need driving him? What? She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up.

  "Let's get something to eat."

  She was not hungry, but knew Westerly was right. She had to eat, whether she liked it or not. The image of Sandy nagging her came to mind. Her secretary constantly reminded her of the fact that she would be of no help to anyone if she starved herself to death. She missed Sandy and again wondered about her decision to leave the woman behind. She would call her when they returned to the motel.

  Westerly guided her to the camper. He tucked her inside before he got in. Starting the engine, he asked, “What you want?"

  "I don't care whatever you want."

  "I saw a Steak ‘N Shake on the way here."

  "Sounds good. We can go there if you want.” Her voice sounded so drained.

  He put the camper into drive and pulled onto the road. Spangle stayed at the scene to coordinate things with Officer Myristate. This was not Westerly's territory. He did not have jurisdiction here. He glanced at the woman next to him. She was focused on the scenery as it passed. He returned his attention to the road. It was getting late, but the traffic had not thinned. In fact, it was heavier due to people going out to eat or party, whichever, he didn't care. All he wanted was food and sleep.

  They picked up drive thru and continued on to the Best Western. Nature did not want to have to deal with so many people, especially after having to deal with the feelings of the hidden killer. The smell of the food caused her stomach to grumble. She was not sure if it was because of hunger or nausea. She cracked her window to get some fresh air.

  "Are you okay?"

  "I will be. I just need to take a shower.” She thought about having him stop at a music shop to get a CD but decided against it. She needed the shower more than she needed the music. She stared out the window at the lights of the businesses.

  They parked in the closest spot to the room, got out, and made their way upstairs. Nature was tired. She stumbled a couple of times. Westerly tried to help her, but she shrugged his hands off. She did not want anyone touching her, not even Web.

  Once in the room, Westerly sat in a chair near the small table. He turned on the television and pulled out his portion of the food. He ignored her as he started to eat. Nature knew he was mad, but she could not help it. She needed a scalding hot shower immediately. She needed to feel fresh again, not tainted. Her food remained on the table, untouched.

  She made it to the bathroom and shut the door behind her. Leaving the lid down, she moved to the toilet and eased herself onto it. Hiding her face with her hands, she cried quietly for several minutes. When she recovered enough, she got up and turned the water on. She had to pull her hand back when the water became too hot to keep it there. She adjusted the temperature slightly before shedding her clothes. She stepped under the water. It turned her skin red. She ignored the feeling. She immersed herself under the strong stream coming from the showerhead.

  The emotions that Alice experienced ... the innocence, the joy, the loss, the fear, and especially, the pain, flooded through her. Those, and the feeling of the evil consuming the man they sought, so soon after the Alice session, caused her to crumple into a heap. The water hit her. It felt like a thousand tiny needles. She tried to block the emotions, to get them to go away. She couldn't. They filled her every fiber. They threatened to consume her completely. She threw her head back and screamed.

  Web bolted to the bathroom when the screams started. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He pounded on it. The screams continued. He yelled. He threw his shoulder at the door several times. It held. The screams continued. Finally, he stood back and kicked the door. It flew open, slamming into the wall. Before it had a chance to bounce back, he was inside the room.

  The shower curtain was shut. The screams echoed in the tiny space behind it. He yanked it open. Nature lay curled into a tight ball. Her skin was beet red from the scalding water hitting it. His entrance went unnoticed.

  He stepped into the shower, blocking her from the hot water. He grabbed her, pulling her against his body. He sat down, ignoring how wet he was getting. He wrapped his arms around her. He whispered soothing words. He kissed her wet hair. He held her tight.

  Nature felt the arms wrap around her, but she was lost, lost in the feelings of Alice. She heard the words. She struggled to regain control. She turned her thoughts to Brad. She used his love to help her as she had so many times before. She felt Alice's grip on her loosen. She relaxed into the arms holding her.

  Westerly felt Nature relax. He watched as she looked up at him. He saw her brown eyes. He realized he loved those eyes, their depth, their color, everything about them. He bent over and kissed her. She responded, kissing him back. He did not realize she was lost in the rapture of her lost husband, that she did not really see him.

  He kissed her lips, her face, her neck. He moved his lips to her breasts. She sighed with pleasure. He sucked on them. She moaned. He moved his lips back to hers. They kissed with a hunger both had not felt in a long time.

  He rose to his feet and picked her up in his arms. She wrapped hers around his neck. He carried her to the bed. She gripped the material of his shirt tight. The feelings of Brad ran through her. She knew deep inside that he was dead, but he was so alive right now. She did not want that feeling to leave. She felt the bed under her. She felt the lips on her body. She knew to whom they belonged. She knew they were not Brad's. She didn't care.

  Westerly threw his wet clothes onto the floor. He knew it was wrong to do this, that they were working partners, but the feelings running through him overpowered any rational thought. He lay on her. He guided his hard penis toward her. He felt her legs spread. When he entered her, he felt her stiffen.

experienced an unexpected jolt when Web entered her. She felt his love. She also felt the loss he had experienced, the loss of his child. She could not handle it, not with everything else that had happened today. She struggled. She pushed against his chest. She tried to get him off her, out from inside her.

  Westerly felt her struggles. He wanted to stay where he was, but knew it was impossible. She was rejecting him. He withdrew. Sitting up on the side of the bed, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He stood, moved to the suitcase, and grabbed some dry clothes. He went to the bathroom. He shut the door quietly.

  Nature rolled onto her side. She covered her nakedness with the sheet. The feeling of Web was still there. The feeling of his hardness inside, his joy, his letdown, his sorrow, still ran through her. She understood now what she had felt earlier, about his loss. She wished she could comfort him. Maybe after she got her emotions under control, she would try.. She only hoped he would allow her to talk with him. She cared about him. She finally admitted it. But, she was not ready for a relationship yet.

  The bathroom door opened. She glanced at Web. He did not look at her. His eyes were focused of the floor. “I'm going out. I'll be back soon."

  "Web, I'm sorry."

  He held up a hand, “Don't. I knew it was wrong from the beginning. We work together. That's where it should stay.” He walked across the room and left, locking the door behind him.

  Nature stayed in the bed a few minutes longer, then sat up on the edge.. She looked at the pile of wet clothes. Kneeling down, she scooped them up. They were cold. She hugged them close to her body. Brad flowed into her. She saw his smile and his boyish good looks. Another image superimposed over him. She saw how similar the smiles were. She was surprised. Because of her decision about not becoming involved with someone she worked with, she had missed it entirely.

  She brought the phone to the floor. Picking up the receiver, she dialed for the operator. She did not have a calling card. She never needed one. Instead, she called collect. Sandy would accept the charges.


  The voice sounded sleepy. The clock on the table glared at her. She realized how late it was and regretted calling. Biting her lower lip, she said, “Sandy?"

  "Nature? Is that you?"

  "I'm sorry about calling so late. I didn't realize what time it was."

  "Who cares? Are you okay? You sound down."

  "I'm okay. I miss your company, that's all."

  "I can come out."

  "No, that's not necessary. I just wanted to talk."

  "Is Westerly giving you a hard time?"

  "No.” Her words were almost too soft to be heard. “Sandy ... I want to ask you something."


  "Why were you so interested in pushing Westerly into a relationship with me?"

  "Because you need someone beside me. You have hidden yourself from the rest of the world for far too long. You need to experience life again. And not with one of the girls."

  "But why Westerly?"

  "Because you two were made for each other. Saw it right off.” Sandy paused. “And because he needs someone too. Who else better to be with than you?"

  Nature heard Sandy's faint laughter. “Sandy ... it wasn't because he's similar to Brad?"

  "Heavens no! Are you kidding? He doesn't look one bit like him."

  Nature relaxed her tense shoulders. She could tell from Sandy's tone, she was telling her the truth. “Can you do me a favor? Please let me decide who I should date and when."

  "Aww, but.... “Her tone sounded playfully hurt.


  "Yes mother. I'll behave.” Sandy changed the subject. “How's it going with the case?"

  Nature filled her secretary in on all the details. After she finished, Sandy blew out a breath of air. “That must have been intense. Are you sure you're okay? I don't mind coming out so I can help you."

  "Westerly's doing fine. He's catching on quickly about what to do and not do.” That statement brought a sad smile to her face.

  "Nature, please call me if you want me there. Don't try to carry the world on your shoulders alone."

  "What? This from the one who said I was a recluse from the world?"

  "You know what I mean.” The concern in Sandy's voice was heartening.

  "I know. I will call if I need you. I promise. Go back to sleep. I'll talk with you later."

  Nature set the receiver in the cradle. She remembered the wet clothes on her lap. She shivered because of their coldness and because of the memories emanating from them.. Picking the wad up, she carried them to the bathroom and draped them over the shower curtain. She rubbed the fabric on her face before getting a nightgown out of her suitcase. Putting it on, she crawled under the cover. The feeling of Web was strong. She moved to the farthest side, the side they had not used. Fluffing her pillow, she set her head down and tried to sleep. It eluded her for a long time.

  Chapter Eight

  The man pulled into a gas station outside Knoxville to fill up the van. He wanted to make sure he had a full tank before finishing the last leg to the cabin. The girl was awake. She watched him with her dark brown eyes. He was pleased with those eyes. They were enchanting.

  He still had not taken her. It was an unusual thing for him; he liked to right away. For some reason, this one was different. She pulled away from his touch when he groped her breasts, but did not cringe. She held still when he rubbed the hair between her legs, as if any movement would invite him in. Again, she did not cringe. He liked that. He smiled at her before getting out of the van.

  He thought about her the entire time he pumped the gas. He was so distracted that he did not notice the police car as it pulled into the station. It parked next to the building. The officer got out and went inside. The man put the nozzle back in its holder and turned around. He froze, but only for a second. Continuing into the building, he walked up to the counter and pulled out his wallet. He placed several bills in the clerk's hand He heard someone walk up behind him. He glanced back. The cop stood there.

  "Afternoon.” He nodded his head slightly in greeting.

  "Afternoon. Great day to be out isn't it?"

  "Gonna get cooler later. You have much longer to work today?"

  "Just started,” the officer said.

  "Well, good luck tonight. Try to stay warm.” The man started to the door.

  "You too."

  The man kept his step casual as he returned to the van. He started the motor and pulled onto the main road. He merged back onto I-75. He glanced into his mirror often. He allowed himself to relax only after he was past Knoxville.. He was still safe. The girl was still his. He decided that when he reached the Virginia state line he would pull over and finally get a taste of the girl. He was not going to last until the cabin as he had planned. He passed the miles thinking about the many pleasures he would have with her.

  Patricia thought about how she had been so naive, naive into thinking that nothing would happen in broad daylight. She wished she were able to kick herself, but the ropes holding her legs apart prevented it. Her arms were restrained in the same manner. She felt like a side of beef. Her extremities swayed with the motion of the van. The man driving stopped only once. He groped her in several places and rubbed his own growing hardness at the same time. He returned to the driver seat without doing anything else. She was surprised when he had not raped her. She knew that was not going to last.

  When she was a little girl, her father had coached her on how to respond if she were ever abducted. She laughed because she knew it would never happen. She was too careful. Now look at her. She remained calm. She followed his advice. She didn't fight. She assumed that was the reason why she remained unsoiled. Maybe the streak of luck would continue. She hoped so.

  The thought of her father brought the faces of both her parents to mind. She missed them severely. She knew they would be searching for her. As time passed, she wasn't sure if they would find her. If she did not fight, if she let thi
s man have his way, maybe he would let her go. That thought sustained her during the hours that seemed to drag on forever.

  The gentle rocking motion lessened. At first, she thought it was her imagination. When the van stopped, she knew it was true. The curtain dividing the front from the back opened. She saw the hunger behind his eyes. She knew the time had finally come. She would not be able to stop him. He was going to take her.

  Sex was not a new thing to her. She dated Randy for two years. They were friends to start. Their relationship blossomed after the first year. She thought they were going to get married. They would have, but her dad took the new job in Florida and the family moved. Randy said he would call as often as he could, once they settled into a place. They were at the real estate business, trying to do just that, when she was kidnapped. She missed Randy dearly. If he were here, he would take this son of a bitch on and knock his lights out.

  The man inched his way to her. He stopped next to her butt. He smiled as he ran his hand over the smooth skin. The girl twitched. His touch tickled. He played with the anus and the vagina. She watched him. Her eyes filled with dread but not fear. He was ecstatic. Maybe this was The One. She met all the requirements so far. He only had to sample her to find out if she fulfilled the rest.

  He lowered his face to her crotch. He touched her lips with his nose. He rubbed her clitoris with its tip. He flicked his tongue up and down. He inserted it and withdrew it. She never moved. He became bored. He decided to liven things up a bit.

  He shuffled to her head and yanked the tape off. The girl drew in a quick breath from the pain. He smiled. He covered her mouth when she tried to speak. He held a pointer finger to his lips, indicating for her to be quiet. She nodded her head. He released her mouth and removed the rag inside.. He moved his hands to his belt and zipper. He slid out of his pants. He straddled her face and lowered himself onto her gently. He guided his penis toward her mouth. She turned her head away. He tightened his legs against either side of her head, forcing her to look straight. Her expression was blank.