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Innocence Taken Page 16

She returned to the driver's seat and unlocked the passenger door. The man got in and shook himself. He ran his fingers through his dark wet hair. The muscles in his arms rippled with the movement. She watched at a sideways glance, too embarrassed to do anything else. He smiled at her. She smiled back. Shifting slightly in the seat, he reached for his back pocket and pulled out his wallet.

  "I don't have a pen. I hope you won't mind writing all the information down."

  "S ... s..sure.” She grimaced at the stutter that came out of her mouth.

  "You live close?"

  "Just up the road.” She was finally able to make her voice work.

  "I have family out here somewhere. I was trying to find their house on my map and wasn't paying attention to the road, hence the reason why we met. You're family live with you?"

  "Only Ralph and Mr. Cuddles."

  "Ralph and ... Mr. Cuddles?"

  "Yea, my dog and cat. The rest of my family lives up north. I moved here to get away from them."

  "Sometimes it's nice to get away from family.” He became distant, as if remembering something from his past. Realizing the woman was watching him, concern in her eyes, he flashed her one of his wonderful smiles. “Oh well, back to business."

  He pulled out a card and extended it to her. Her hand shook as she reached for it. Never in her life had she remembered anyone letting her decide what to do, or even asking her how she was doing. Her family had always made her decisions for her. She never had a voice in anything. It felt weird to have a say now. She wasn't sure if she liked it.

  The moment her hand touched the paper, his hand flew up and hit her across the face. Her head bounced off the window. Spots of light juggled around before her eyes. They mingled with the lightening outside, making the world a little too bright. She looked at the man, shocked. Before she had time to react, he hit her with his fist. The lights dimmed and the world outside disappeared.

  The man hugged Miranda close when she slumped over. He smelled her hair, it smelled like strawberries. He pulled her slight body onto his and shifted her enough so that he sat behind the wheel while she remained in the passenger seat. It was still early. No one drove past during the altercation. No one saw what happened. The desire to leave crept into his being, but he had to make sure the woman was restrained before doing so. If she awoke while he was driving, she might fight him or try to escape.

  Reaching over the seat, he rummaged around the back area until he found some rope in a small storage compartment. He used it to bind the woman's extremities. He leaned her back, her head resting on the support behind it, and groped her small chest. Unsatisfied, he unzipped her jeans and pulled them down slightly. He pulled her panties away from her body and saw the bush of blonde hair. He pushed the soft cloth down next to the jeans and ran his fingers through it. A rush of excitement surged through his groin when he touched her vaginal lips.. He let go, leaving the pants open so he could see the hair while he drove. He would have time later to give her immeasurable pleasure.

  The windows fogged due to their body heat filling the small, enclosed area. The man clicked her seatbelt into place and started the engine. He turned on the defogger. Pulling a u-turn, he made his way back to the highway. The newer model SUV responded smoothly and with power when he pressed the gas pedal down.

  He left the truck sitting in the middle of the road. He didn't care. He had something better; he had a vehicle no one would be looking for. He also had a way to reduce the pent up pleasure that was inside. As if responding to his thoughts, the area around his crotch grew. He released his swollen penis and stroked it lovingly, matching the up and down motion with the rhythm of the wipers.. The dark tinted windows prevented any drivers from seeing what he did.

  The man knew his intended love would not mind if he had sex with other women. If he remained too pent up, as he was now, he would not be able to perform at his best.. He wanted to be ready. He wanted to make her happy. He wanted to spend the rest of his natural born days with the woman from the television, with The One, with the woman who called herself Nature Kranderson.

  The mere mention of her name caused him to soar with happiness. His search was almost over. Finally, he could have a life free of unrealistic expectations, free of bothersome people. He and Nature would live in his cabin, without the need for clothes, without interference from the rest of the world.. He would make love to her often. He would make sure she remained filled with pleasure. And, he would never have to worry about hunting again, unless she said it was okay. That last thought was the one that kept him going, kept him driving through the exhaustion. He would stop soon to rest ... and release. Until then, he would close the distance between them.

  Behind them, in a little home, a cat and dog waited for their owner to return.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Nature and Web sipped on their cups of coffee when Franklin entered. Making his way through the diner, they could see the frustration in his step and the frown covering his face. He grabbed a chair from another table and brought it to theirs. He refused to sit next to either occupant in the corner booth. The tired waitress came up and took his order for coffee. The detective wasn't interested in food. After she left, he crossed his arms in front and glared at them.

  "Well ... are you willing to talk now?"

  "In due time, Detective. In due time,” Nature said.

  "Have a piece of the pie, Franklin. It's pretty good.” Web scooped another chunk of apple pie onto his fork and shoved it into his mouth.

  "While you're pulling this bullshit, another girl could be tortured and killed.” His words came out in a harsh whisper. He did not want the other patrons to hear what he said.

  Web swallowed the food and said, “Maybe you should have thought of that yourself, Detective, when you were pulling your ... as you called it ... bullshit with me."

  "I told you not to interfere, but you wouldn't listen."

  "Listen to what ... your ignorance?"

  "Sheriff Westerly, if you don't stop...” Franklin shut his mouth when the waitress returned with his coffee.

  The waitress arched an eyebrow as she set the cup down in front of Franklin. She glanced at each person before stepping away, returning to the counter for the tray of food waiting to be delivered.

  Nature watched her pick the tray up with ease. She carried it to another table and set the plates before each of the occupants seated there. When the woman shot a quick glance at their table, she smiled.

  Nature only half listened to the men as they argued. She reflected on what the detective had said about another girl being tortured and killed. He was right; they were being asses. Interrupting the men before blows happened; she cleared her throat to get their attention.

  "Gentlemen, if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to the subject.” She set her cup down, but kept both hands wrapped around it. “About the van ... the man who drove it was dark in nature."

  Franklin sat forward, his argument with Web forgotten, eager to hear what Nature had to say. “Dark. As in how?"

  Web kept a close eye on the woman across the table. If he saw one iota of distress, he would end this. He didn't care if it meant causing a scene in the diner.

  "Dark as in his soul.” She shivered. “I think his appearance matches his inner self."

  "What leads you to that conclusion?” The detective knew about the inability to see the kidnapper. He tried to guide her into noticing something that would help.

  "The haze, where his head appears, is darker than the rest of him. I don't know if it's because of dark hair or because he is so evil.” She shrugged her shoulders. “He seems to be of average build. I can't make out much because he is so shrouded.” She looked at Franklin, “I do get a sense of searching. As if he is looking for something, something he has not been able to locate for a long time.” Taking a sip of the lukewarm liquid still cupped in her hands, she added, “Detective, I haven't mentioned this before but...” She hesitated, “he has killed many times, at least eight times that I
know of."

  The words smacked him like a ton of bricks. “Why have you not mentioned this rather important fact to me earlier?” Both his daughter's faces swam into view. He was glad they were safe at home with their mother.

  "She didn't want to panic the public or alert the kidnapper to our presence,” Webb said. “If word got out, he might go under and we'd never track him down."

  Franklin was angry. “How do you expect me to help if you're not up front with me?"

  "I'm just an advisor on the case. I was asked to find lost girls. In doing so, I found out about this man, and the girls he took. You yourself asked me to read a van, and the girl from it. You didn't ask me about the others.” She sighed, “Detective Franklin ... I'm tired. I need to decompress. If I don't, I will be of no use in the future."

  During the silent tension that followed, the waitress returned and refilled their cups. She left just as quickly.

  Nature kept her eyes on the stained white cup until after the waitress left.. She raised her eyes to meet Franklin's. “I want to go home. I need to be free of outside influences so I can ... so to speak ... clear the channels. Once I've done that, I can return."

  "And what about in between? Do you expect this kidnapper to disappear, to wait until you are ready to start again?"

  "No.” Nature's gaze fell to the cup once more. “He will continue."

  "So another girl has to pay the price so you can hide away.

  Her head shot upward, anger filled her eyes. “That's not fair. You know nothing about me, about what I've had to endure over the years."

  "But I have a perfect example of what those girls endured. She's at the hospital.” He waved his arm in the general direction of the medical facility's location.

  "That's enough.” Web slammed a fist down onto the table. The loud sound caused the patrons of the diner to stop what they were doing and look their way. He kept his attention on Franklin, ignoring the stares.

  The detective glared at Web, then at Nature. His gazed stayed on the woman. “So how much time do you need?'

  "Two or three days."

  "That many, huh.” Franklin slid the chair back and rose to his feet. “I only hope nothing happens during your recovery."

  "Please sit down."

  "Why? I don't want to strain you any further."

  "Franklin ... sit down,” Web emphasized.

  Nature pleaded with her eyes. She did not want to alienate this officer of the law. “Please ... I need to give you more information, information that may help you find the kidnapper."

  Franklin paused. The images of his daughters and the girl in the hospital were the only things that made him not walk out the door and leave these pains in the asses where they sat. He brought the chair back under him and resumed his crossed arm position, waiting.

  Nature sighed deeply before beginning. She told Franklin about everything she had depicted from her reading of Rew. She told him about how the kidnapper had lured Patricia into his van. From her reading of the van, she told him about the other girls: girls named Vicki, Heather, Katherine, Connie, Gail, Janice, Sarah, and Mindy. She did not know their last names; she only knew how they were treated. She also knew from her session involving Rew, that these other girls were dead, buried somewhere in a heavily wooded area. What she kept from them was her dream, the dream where the man had raped her and tried to kill her.

  Both men listened as the information flowed from her. Both faces looked like they were made of granite. Both knew what the implications were, and what was yet to come. Both knew this killer was not done.

  "I didn't realize...” Franklin managed to stutter after the stunned silence that followed.

  "Why didn't you tell me? God ... the burden..."

  Web had heard part of the story before, but this, this was beyond belief. His concern for her grew.

  Nature reached across the table and covered Web's hands with hers. “There wasn't time or an opportunity to tell you, not since we left the van.” She turned to the detective, “Now do you understand why I have to go home?"

  Franklin nodded his head. Reaching into his suit, he pulled out a notepad and began writing down the names of the girls. When he finished, he pulled out a card and handed it to her.

  "If you remember anything else while you're driving home, please, do not hesitate to call me.” She gave him a smile of gratitude.

  Web jotted something down on a napkin. “Here's my cell phone number. If you have any questions, call."

  It was the first time Nature remembered him giving the number to anyone. That said volumes about the trust he held for this man. She waved to the waitress, indicating she wanted the check. She came over, tallied everything up, and gave it to her. Web frowned. He expected to pay, not her. Sliding out from the booth, she walked to the cash register and paid for everything, including Franklin's. Both men frowned.

  "You should have let me get that. I am on duty, after all, and it would have come out of the department's expenses."

  "Detective Franklin, I know how strapped law enforcement is for funds. I can afford it. Besides, I'm on duty too and can take it out of my work expenses just as easily."

  For the first time since he arrived at the diner, Franklin smiled. “If I find anything out, I'll get in touch.” He patted his suit where the notepad rested.

  "We'll do the same.” Web extended a hand. Franklin shook it. Nature gave him a hug before they went their separate ways.

  Three quarters of an hour later, they were back on I-75, heading north, towards home. Nature hoped they would make it this time, and not have to detour for something else. She snuggled up to Web. He wrapped a protective arm around her and kissed the top of her head. It was going to be wonderful to see Sandy again. As she watched the miles disappeared under the tires, their steady singing lulled her to sleep.

  * * * *

  The man drove the SUV past the town of Brockway shortly after three in the afternoon. It had taken him the better part of the day to reach this far.. He was forced to stop during the night to release some of his pent up energy, and to sleep. The woman who owned the vehicle lay in the back under a blanket. A large piece of tape covered her mouth; she was naked. He enjoyed the ride she gave when he showed her his pleasures. He fell asleep on her after he ejaculated in her anus, leaving his penis deep inside. When he awoke, he rode her again. He wanted to be free of any unwanted thoughts while he scouted out where The One lived.

  Jordan, the town closest to The One's home, was an hour away. He pondered about how he was going to get her during the drive. He knew what her address was, but didn't know anything about the area. He would have to find a way to remedy that once he arrived.

  The woman shifted her position, coming partway out from under the blanket. The man was not concerned. He had stopped at a store some time back and bought window film. It was the reflective kind, allowing the interior of the vehicle to stay cool and hidden, yet did not block the view of those within. That, and the factory-tinted windows hid her entirely. It also allowed him the freedom to take her anytime without worry of prying eyes. He smiled at the memory of her squirming under him.

  He did not stop. He continued toward Jordan.. He had to find out information before she arrived home. Even if she was already there, he needed the information anyway. He wanted to be ready in case an opportunity came a knock'n. He hummed a homemade song about knock, knock, knock'n while he thrummed his fingers on the steering wheel.

  MT-200 ran through the middle of town, making it easy to find a place to stop for something to eat. The man parked the SUV in the back. He made sure the woman knew better than to draw attention to the vehicle before he got out. He locked the door and listened. She behaved.

  He entered the eatery through the front door and stopped just inside to allow his eyes to adjust to the darker interior. Sunlight shined in the windows, but the shades were dropped to reduce its intensity.

  An older woman with curly gray hair approached. “Just one?"

  "Yes ma'am.

  She smiled as she led him to a table against the far wall. The restaurant wasn't crowded yet. He was glad. It allowed him the time to question the woman without interruption. He slid into the chair and took the offered menu. Glancing through it, he selected an iced tea to start. When she returned with it, he gave her one of his winning smiles.

  "Thank you,” he squinted as he read her nametag, “Mindra."

  "Call me Minny."

  "Pleasure to meet you, Minny."

  "Traveling through our little town?"

  "I'm on my way to Great Falls.. I wanted to stop for a decent meal instead of the stuff served in those fast food chains.” He picked up the glass and sipped at the contents.

  "I hear you. The food in this place is the best. I should know; I help make it."

  "Then you can help me choose.” He leaned over to allow her to see the menu. She didn't need it.

  "The country fried steak with mashed potatoes and a vegetable is the specialty of the house. I recommend it. And it comes with my guarantee. If you're not satisfied, I won't charge you. Deal?"


  Minny took the order to the kitchen. The man glanced around the room. It was quaint, in a country kind of way. Pictures of horses, rodeos, and western paraphernalia hung throughout the room. He noticed a picture of a woman, standing beside another person, hanging a couple of tables away. He rose to get a closer look.

  The woman in the picture caused his heart to race. It was her. It was The One. He recognized her from the news. He was still looking at it when Minny emerged from the kitchen, his food in hand.

  "I see you found our local celebrity."

  "Local? You mean she lives close by?"

  "Yup.” The woman beamed with pride.

  "Who's the guy?"

  "Oh, that's Senator Enesco. She helped find his kidnapped son a while back. Since then, she's become a hot commodity."

  "Does she come here often?” The man kept his face blank. He gave no indication of the turmoil going on inside.

  "Once in a while. We see Sandy mostly."
