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Innocence Taken Page 17

"Her secretary."

  "Wow. Does she live in town? Can I drive past her place so I can brag about it?"

  "She lives down 341, close to the end. It's way out of your way, young man. Besides, thanks to the nosy news people, she put in a humdinger of a security system."

  "Oh, well, maybe next time.” He returned to his table.

  Minny realized she still had the plate of food in her hand. She moved to the table, muttering, “Minny, you ole chatter box, now look what you did."

  "Are you okay?” The man feigned concern for her.

  "Yea, but I let your food get cold."

  "I bet it's just fine.” He reached up and took the plate from her hands. Setting it down, he picked up the fork and scooped up a pile of potatoes. They still had some warmth to them when they hit his tongue. He picked up the knife and sliced off a piece of the steak. It followed the potatoes. “Wonderful,” he said after swallowing. He smacked his lips to emphasize his point.

  Minny relaxed. “Just for that, you get a piece of my special cherry pie.” She moved back toward the kitchen, “along with some vanilla ice cream on the side. My compliments."

  During her absence, the man thought about what Minny had said, about the security system. His knowledge of them was zilch. How was he going to get past it? How was he going to get The One away from her fortress? The only thing he could think of doing was watch the place and see if an opportunity presented itself. He finished the meal with thoughts of Nature dancing before his eyes: her flowing brown hair, her creamy skin, her deep brown eyes, him piercing her many times, and her loving every ounce of it. His reverie was interrupted with the return of Minny.

  "Here you go, young man, enjoy."

  "Thanks, Minny."

  He watched the older woman walk away. Her slightly plump hips caused her mid calf length skirt to swing to and fro. If she had been a touch younger, he would have been tempted to sample her, to show her his pleasures. Since he had the other woman, he didn't need to. He scooped a small bit of the pie onto the spoon. Putting it into his mouth, he savored the tartness of the cherries, mingled with the sweetness of sugar. Minny was right; the pie was special. Smiling, he dipped the spoon into the ice cream and ate every bit of it, along with the rest of the pie.

  The man paid the tab and waved to Minny as he left. He rounded the building and got into the SUV. He glanced back at the woman. Her face was uncovered. She had tear tracks on her cheeks. She watched him with dread. He smiled, Soon he would have everything he wanted. Soon he would be free of the need driving him. Until then, he had Miranda.

  He started the engine and pulling the lever into drive. He returned to MT-200 and drove back the way he came instead of towards Great Falls as mentioned.. The exit for 341 came into sight. He put the turn signal on. Within minutes, he was on his way to the address of his intended love.

  The dirt road kicked up a dust cloud. He watched it with fascination in the side mirror. It reminded him of a huge billowy marshmallow half cooked by an open fire. Memories of his childhood rushed in. The man gasped at the sudden intrusion, causing the SUV to fishtail several times. He pulled over to prevent wrecking the vehicle. He gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles while he tried to get himself under control. Several trees stood nearby. He decided to hide the truck. He had to release. He had to gain control once more. There was only one way to do that.

  Turning the wheel, he drove across the open area until he could not see the road, only the trees. He pulled the lever into park and turned off the engine. Silence filled the cab. Sweat covered his forehead. He shifted his position so he could see the woman in the back. He no longer saw Miranda; he saw another, another from his past.

  He crawled into the rear area and tugged the blanket off her naked body. He ignored her whimpering. Unzipping his pants, he yanked them down to expose the erect penis hidden inside. He flipped her over and lifted her hips. He spread her cheeks. He shoved himself into her anus as hard and deep as he could. He pumped her unmercifully. He dug his fingers into her skin, pulling her against him.

  While the man rocked his hips, he cried out, “I promise to be a good boy! Please mommie, please! Please...” He felt the level of pleasure inside rise. “Okay mommie, I promise to please you. I promise."

  His grip on her hips lessened, and his brutal behavior reduced. He rotated his hips in a circular pattern, savoring the feel on his cock. He withdrew and gently helped Miranda onto her back. He spread her legs and guided his penis toward her vagina. Her tied arms got in the way so he pulled them up over her head. The tape on her mouth prevented him from inserting his tongue when he kissed her. No matter. He kissed her anyways.

  Her erect nipples brushed against his. He felt her intake of breath as he pushed inside her. He cupped her breasts, thumbing the tips. He nibbled on her ear, whispering, “Love you mommie, love you; love making love to you mommie."

  A moan escaped from Miranda. She couldn't help it; he was so gentle. It felt good. He did not seem to notice the sound.. She was glad. Whenever she made too much noise, he made her shut up with blows.

  "Am I making you happy, mommie?” He glided in and out smoothly. The glide took on a faster tempo. He hugged her against him. His sweat ran onto her body.. His eyes were closed. “Happy mommie ... making mommie happy with love."

  The man arched his back, supporting his upper body with his arms, and yelled, “Here we come, mommie; here we come.” He gritted his teeth and ejaculated. A howl of sheer joy echoed in the small space. When the surge of pleasure washed through him, he lay down on her.

  Suddenly, he began to hide his head with his hands, almost as if he was being hit. “I'm sorry, mommie, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to yell. I won't do it again. I promise. Daddy won't find out! I love you, mommie; I love you! Please don't hit me anymore. I'll be quiet."

  For the first time since he kidnapped her, Miranda felt sorry for the man. She understood what it was to be dominated by family. She had experienced it many times before she left. Hesitantly, she moved her arms down. She brushed his sweaty hair with her fingers. She wanted to tell him it was okay, that he didn't need to fear being hit, but the tape stopped her.

  The man kept his eyes squeezed shut. The fingers going through his hair soothed him. He relaxed. The arms circled him, holding him against the body underneath. He slid down until his face was level with her chest. He suckled on a breast, as if it was a pacifier. The arms held him, keeping him warm and secure. He fell asleep, dreaming of the pleasure, and the person who gave it to him at such an early age.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sandy drove down 341 toward MT-200 and Jordan. The Chevy's radio blared. It was not the typical country music listened to by many in the area, but a head banging heavy metal kind. When she first met Nature, she listened to classic rock. The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Kansas, and many others adorned her collection. Now Korn, Nightwish, Metallica, and Marilyn Manson sat next to them.

  She was on her way to the store for supplies. Nature called the previous night to inform her she would be home either today or tomorrow. She wanted to make sure there was enough bread, lunchmeat, and easily prepared meals available. After such a long and difficult session, like this one had been, her boss would not feel like eating any heavy meals.

  A dust cloud hung in the air when she neared the highway. It was the kind caused by a vehicle driving on the dirt road. Having not seen one between the house and here, she shrugged it off. Maybe it was another lost tourist trying to find Great falls, or the wildlife refuge. Many used the road as a turnaround point. At the stop sign, she turned right. Rocking her upper body with the tempo of the music, she pushed the gas pedal toward the floor.

  * * * *

  The man woke to the feel of warmth under him. He opened his eyes. The woman taken from the fast food place was cuddled against him. He was confused for a moment, until he remembered losing control. It had been a long time since that happened. He hated it. It showed him as being vulnerable, something he never allowed to show.
/>   Miranda felt the change when the man woke. She held still. She wasn't sure how he would react to her holding him. When he raised his head and looked at her, she lowered her eyes in submission. She felt his eyes on her for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, he shifted his position. He reached up and cupped her chin. She was elated, yet scared.

  The man bent over and kissed her on her lips. He sat up and backhanded her. Her head twisted to the side. To her credit, she remained silent. He smiled. This one was worth taking to the cabin. He would enjoy giving her much pleasure. It was obvious to him that she had not had any before; therefore, it was up to him to give it to her. With both her, and The One, his needs would be fulfilled for many years to come.

  Thinking of The One brought his mind to the present. The sun was three quarters of the way across the sky. Night would soon be upon him.. He was not sure if Nature was home yet. He needed to find out; he needed to find where she lived before dark.

  He pulled his pants up and zipped them before moving back to the driver seat. He turned the ignition and started the SUV into motion. He didn't bother covering the woman. Who would see her out here?

  The road disappeared over the horizon. Nothing but open plains was visible for as far as the eye could see. An occasional clump of trees spattered the vast openness but no houses dotted it. He followed the road until a gate crossed it. He stopped and got out. Walking up to it, he put a hand over his eyes to reduce the glare blinding him. He saw what appeared to be a house in the distance. Minny's words about a security system flashed into his mind. He turned back to the truck.

  About half a mile away from the gate, a thick growth of trees followed a small stream. It led toward the house. The man got in and started for them. He smiled when he discovered a dip in the ground large enough to hide the vehicle. Getting out, he backtracked a short distance. The SUV was not visible when he turned around.

  He heard a low grumble in the distance.. It sounded like something was on the road, coming near. He ran for the cover of the nearby trees. He just made it before the cause of the noise appeared. It was a sheriff's car. He ducked lower.

  A lanky tall man in uniform got out and walked up to the gate. He did not look around. Reaching up, he unlatched it and swung it wide. No alarms went off; no voice echoed out of a security device, no camera whirled as it turned to focus on the intruder. He returned to his car, pulled it forward, closed the gate then drove toward the house. About ten minutes later, the car returned. Again, no alarms went off when he opened the gate. The man stood once it was out of sight. He processed the information just witnessed. A smile slowly etched across his face. He was excited. He now knew of a way to get to The One. He returned to the SUV to plan.

  Getting in, he moved to the back and brutally attacked the woman in his possession. He dreamed of Nature during the entire time. He used the rods, both his and the metal one. He remembered thinking that if Nature were truly The One, they would get together. It seemed that all the pieces were falling into place. Now he knew, without fail, that he was going to have her ... that she was going to be with him in the cabin, away from all the annoyances, the two of them forever side by side..

  * * * *

  Nightwish blared from the CD player, disturbing the person trying to sleep in the passenger seat. He pulled his hat lower and flipped toward the window. He scrunched his shoulders in an attempt to find a comfortable position. The intense heavy metal, complimented by the sounds of an orchestra, helped Nature to reduce the stress flowing through her, almost as good as a hot shower did. The hot shower was something she looked forward to when they reached home. For now, she had to settle for the noise.

  They drove straight through, stopping only for food, the bathroom, or to trade drivers. Plus one stop to get some music from a Wal-Mart in Fargo. Nature insisted on the music. Web fretted about wasting too much time while they were in the store, but he bought snacks and drinks, in addition to a couple of CD's of his own once they were there.

  Nature tapped the steering wheel with the beat of the drum. She was tired. The haunting dreams of the killer and the alternating of drivers wore her down. The music kept her awake. Web finally gave up on sleeping. He straightened his hat and sat up.

  "How can you listen to that crap?"

  "It's art ... not crap."

  "If it's not done by Alabama, Loretta Lynn, George Strait, Hank Williams Jr., or singers like them ... then it's crap."

  "I always knew you were a county bumpkin."

  "Why ... thank you, ma'am.” He raised a hand and tipped his hat. “Mighty fine of you to say so."

  She shook her head. “Maybe that's the reason I like you so much ... always went for the hard luck bumpkin cases."

  "I aim to please.” He slid across the seat and draped an arm over her shoulder.

  Her only answer was a yawn.

  "Why don't you let me drive? We won't reach your house until after seven this evening and you need to rest. Besides, it's my turn to take over the CD player."

  "I hope you're not this dominant when it comes to the covers."

  "Watch me woman! I'm the biggest blanket hogger in Montana ... especially after the cold winter sets in.” He winked at her and raised his eyebrows a couple of times.

  Nature smiled. It was amazing to see the change in him. When they first set out, he was cold and aloof. The outer shell melted when he discovered her own shell was nothing more than a cover for the vulnerable scared woman inside. She felt safe with him. She felt able to let her guard down, knowing he would be there. “I love you."

  He leaned over and kissed the top of her head, “Love you, too."

  "What are you going to do when we get back?” She hated to ask the question, yet, knew it had to be said.

  "I have to go back to work. I was elected sheriff and I need to fulfill those duties."

  "Will I see you?"

  "Of course. Just because I go back to work doesn't mean I'll stop seeing you.” He looked at her in disbelief. “Did you think that once we got back, I would not want to be seen with you? I don't care what people think."

  She sighed. “I'm sorry."

  "Don't be ... I love you, nothing will cause that to change.” His expression softened. “Now pull over and let me drive. You're exhausted."

  She shoved the turn signal upward and slowed. Veering off to the side of the road, she stopped and got out, making her way to the passenger door. Web slid across the seat. Once she was seated, he indicated for her to slide against him. She tucked herself under his arm.

  The turn signal came on, warning traffic of their reentry. He glided smoothly onto the road. Five miles from the exchange point, the sound of Alabama blared from the open windows.

  * * * *

  They made it to the gate at almost 8:30 at night. Nature got out and pushed it wide enough for the camper to get through. She closed it before climbing in again. Neither saw the SUV hidden a half mile away, the man watching, his heart racing at the sight of Nature standing in the glow of headlights.

  They pulled up to the house minutes later. As Nature opened her door, Sandy flew outside. She raced up to her and threw her arms around the older woman.

  "Man, did I miss you! This house is boring without you here."

  "Glad to see you, too.” The grin covering her face showed the sincerity of her words.

  "I bet you're pooped."

  "Naw, Web drove most of the time."

  Right on cue, Web opened his door and got out with a groan. Sandy rounded the camper and met him with a hug. “My you've grown.” In actuality, he was still the same 6'2", but she loved to kid him about it.

  "Nice to see you again, Sandy."

  "My ... those clothes do look good on you.” She stood back to admire him. Web rolled his eyes. Sandy glanced at Nature, inquiring with her eyes.

  "We'll talk later. Right now I want a hot shower and a good night's sleep in my own bed.” She started toward the back to retrieve her suitcase.

  "Me too.” Web turned toward and
met her at the door.

  Sandy followed. She saw the way their hands touched when they reached inside the camper, the way they looked at each other. She crossed her arms in front and whispered under her breath, “Well ... I'll be damned."

  "What did you say?” Nature asked.


  Nature glanced at her secretary as she lugged the suitcase onto the porch. She could tell from the expression on her face that she was going to be grilled once they were alone.

  "I've got to be heading home,” Web said after he set his luggage inside. His eyes lingered in Nature's direction before he left.. Her eyes followed him.

  She moved to the doorway when he was out of her line of sight. Sandy was right behind her, peering over her shoulder. Both women watched him drive back toward town. When his truck was gone, she spun around.


  "I always knew there was hope for you. I'm just glad I was here to see it.” A smirk covered the younger woman's face. “Was he as wonderful as I predicted?"

  "Sandy! That's none of your business."

  "Aha! So he was!” Sandy threw up an arm; the way a preacher did during a sermon. “God, I'm glad to see you finally happy."

  Nature grinned, “Me too. Now let's go in so we can talk. I know you won't let me get an ounce of peace until we do.” She guided her inside, closing the door behind them and engaging the lock.

  * * * *

  It was late. Unfortunately, Web couldn't sleep. He was too wound up from the long drive to relax. He decided to go to the office instead. His hand strayed to his lips. He could still feel Nature's touch. He looked forward to touching her again. Tomorrow he would check with Frewerson about how things fared while he was gone. Afterwards, he would call her. Turning right on MT-200, his thought returned to the daunting job of running the county.

  * * * *

  Nature and Sandy talked well into the night. They discussed the cases, the girls, and finally, Web. They were in the room with the fireplace. A pot of tea sat between them. Nature held her cup close to her lips and sipped. Sandy did the same. Neither wanted to break the quiet that ensued after their lengthy discussion. The crackling of the fire was the only sound disturbing it.